Wasteful spending, corruption, bribes and pay-offs to corrupt foreign officials. Is this "to reduce poverty" or "to out-compete China" or to bribe people? When do Americans get to vote on taxing ourselves for an unaccountable slush fund?
President Biden Requests $937 million for MCC in FY25
March 11, 2024
The President’s Budget for Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 includes a $937 million request for the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) to reduce poverty through inclusive economic growth in developing countries. The request, submitted to Congress on March 11, 2024, by the Biden-Harris Administration, also includes at least $200 million in mandatory appropriations from the International Infrastructure Fund—part of a broader proposal to out-compete China globally – and legislative changes that would redefine MCC’s candidate country pool to apply MCC’s impactful model in a broader range of places.
Millenium Challenge Corporation may be taxpayer funded organization which spends slush funds to bribe people and pay off people.
MCC is hiring for slush fund administrators. "Our model is defined by principles of selectivity, country ownership, transparency, and a focus on results."