Sunday, November 27, 2011

"He Was Murdered"

This person served two tours in Iraq.  The police could have easily picked him up with a traffic stop as he was going to work, and later serve a search warrant on the house.  Instead, the police pulled out their riot gear, smashed in the front door of the house with guns drawn, and killed him.  This is senseless government brutality and senseless loss of life.

SWAT team's shooting of Marine causes outrage
Kevin Stephens, a chief steward at Mission mine and head of the miners' union there, said bluntly: "Personally, I think he was murdered, and that is the feeling that is out here."
But after examining elements of the search affidavit, Drago questioned whether the sheriff's office truly had probable cause.
"When you back up and look at why they're there in the first place and whether the search warrant was proper, my mind starts struggling," Drago said. "There are a lot of things that don't make a lot of sense."

Vaccines and Product Safety

In 1986, President Reagan signed a bill into law that provides complete immunity to vaccine manufacturers.  What incentive does a company have to provide a safe product if the company has complete exemption from safety lawsuits?

The NVIC has significant information about vaccine liability immunity.

A book, Saying No to Vaccines, is also available.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Canadian Harassed At Checkpoint

A black Canadian returning from a USA shopping trip was harassed by the checkpoint border guards.  His car was searched with the interior panels removed and damaged.  Welcome to America.

CanadianShopper Claims U.S. Customs Agent Abuse
A Canadian shopper says he was "abused" by U.S. customs agents at the Wellesley Island port of entry, who allegedly held him for several hours while they "vandalized" his car searching for drugs because he is black.

Friday, November 18, 2011

USA Gun Running Cover-Up

The USA operated a gun-running program to illegally put guns in the hands of Mexican gangs.  Mexico wants to put several Americans involved in the gun smuggling on trial in Mexico.
Mexico Asks U.S. to Extradite ‘Fast and Furious” Gunrunners

One of the weapons in the illegal gun smuggling program was used to kill a US border guard.  The people who killed the agent have been indicted to stand trial for the murder.  The entire federal murder case has disappeared.  "The case against the alleged killers of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry has disappeared from federal court records, apparently sealed by a federal judge."

The highest levels of the USA government are involved in illegal gun smuggling which resulted in the death of a US border agent.  The murder case that would prosecute the people who killed the agent has disappeared.  This is outrageous!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Europe Bans, TSA Hides

While Europe has banned full-body x-rays because of the health risks, the TSA won't even test safety of the x-ray devices.
The head of the Transportation Security Administration has backed off a public commitment to conduct a new independent study of X-ray body scanners used at airport security lanes around the country.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Taco Bell Gives Away Real Money

Real money, constitutional money, is gold and silver.  Taco Bell is having a promotion in which the prize is an American Gold Eagle coin from the US Mint.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Housing Bailout At Taxpayer Expense

The home loan guarantee company Fannie Mae is in need of billions more in taxpayer bailouts.  It appears taxpayers will continue to provide bailouts.  Forever.

Fannie Mae taps $7.8 billion from Treasury, loss widens
Fannie Mae, the biggest source of money for U.S. home loans, on Tuesday said it needed a further $7.8 billion in federal aid to stay afloat as a shaky housing market widened its third-quarter loss to $5.1 billion.

False Terror

The US government is targeting and entrapping people, in order to create a climate of fear.  NYU School of Law released a report documenting some of the abuses.
The government played a significant role
in instigating and devising the three plots
featured in this Report—plots the government
then “foiled” and charged the defendants
with. The defendants in these cases were all
convicted and are facing prison sentences
of 25 years to life. These prosecutions—and
others that similarly rely on the abusive use of
informants—are central to the government’s

claim that the country faces a “homegrown
threat” of terrorism. Serious questions have
been raised about the government’s role
in each of these cases, as well as around
the set of laws that have facilitated these

The report is available here.

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

MFing Global

Just before bankruptcy, MF Global fraudulently conveyed client assets then gave bonuses to their staff.  A bankruptcy judge should undo the bonuses.  A criminal judge should put Jon Corzine in the penetentiary.

MF Global paid bonuses just hours before bankruptcy
Bonuses were paid to MF Global's UK staff just hours before the company filed for bankruptcy protection in New York.

Monday, November 07, 2011

Occupy Wall Street: Obama In Effigy

Occupy Wall Street may be waking up to the reality that both parties - Republican and Democrat - are two wings of the same bird of prey.

NYC Occupy Wall Street hoisted an unflattering Obama effigy:

Roger Waters says, "The situation has been allowed to develop in this country where the great block of people in the middle who used to call themselves the middle class; there circumstances have been reduced to the point where suddenly some of them find themselves sleeping in their cars.  ...   Why aren't people going to prison?"

Guns Aren't TSA Problem

Many of thought the TSA would be interested in guns, particularly loaded guns. Apparently not.

Loaded guns in checked bags aren't on TSA's radar
... an undeclared, loaded .38-caliber handgun went undetected from the airport and almost onto an Alaska Airlines flight to Portland. It was discovered by ramp workers, who said the gun fell out of a duffel bag as they were about to load it on the plane.

At first, the incident appeared to a be a breakdown of LAX's extensive weapons detection system.

But Transportation Security Administration officials said they are not required to screen for loaded weapons in checked luggage, only in carry-on luggage. TSA spokesman Nico Melendez said the duffel bag in question went through an explosives scanner, as do all checked bags. It did not generate an alert.

Federal Grant for Fake Fish

The federal government, specifically the USDA, has given a private company $494,000 to improve the market acceptance of genetically modified salmon. People don't want to buy GMO salmon, so why is the government spending taxpayer funds on furthering fake meat:
AquaBounty Technology's genetically modified salmon just got a hefty financial boost from the USDA: On Monday, the agency awarded the Massachusetts-based company $494,000 ...

Caffeinated Bacon

Mmmmmm, caffeinated bacon.

MREs get a new kick with caffeinated jerky and Zapplesauce
... a beef jerky stick that looks and tastes just like your average Slim Jim but contains an equivalent of a cup of coffee’s worth of caffeine ...