Thursday, December 31, 2020

Overloaded Hospitals Are A Covid Joke

The UK narrative is that hospitals are overloaded with Covid patients. That narrative is a lie or a joke. This person videotaped empty hospital wards, and was later arrested for exposing the lies.

Watch the empty hospital video here. UK temporary hospital facilities were not used, and are being dismantled.

Woman arrested in connection with video filmed at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital

A 46-year-old woman has been arrested after a video was filmed at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital and posted online.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Bureaucratic Hypocrite Birx

Long-time government bureaucrat Dr. Birx told Americans to stay home and not meet relatives for the Thanksgiving holiday. What she demands other families do is not what she does. Dr. Birx visited one of her vacation homes with extended family. Dr. Birx is a hypocrite.

Trump continues to surround himself with deep-state hypocrites like Deborah Birx.

Birx travels, family visits highlight pandemic safety perils

Dr. Deborah Birx, coordinator of the White House coronavirus response, warned Americans to “be vigilant” and limit celebrations to “your immediate household.”

For many Americans that guidance has been difficult to abide, including for Birx herself.

The day after Thanksgiving, she traveled to one of her vacation properties on Fenwick Island in Delaware. She was accompanied by three generations of her family from two households. Birx, her husband Paige Reffe, a daughter, son-in-law and two young grandchildren were present.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

USA Election Fraud Starts Path To Splitting America

Additional information about election fraud continues to be released from the November 2020 elections. This is a bigger issue than Blue Team vs Red Team. The left and the right both think they are correct. The recent Georgia Senate report on the elections in that State can lead to the conclusion by everyone (left, right, independent) that elections are not fair and accurate.

Without fair and trustworthy elections, the populace may begin to feel there is nothing left to do other than disassemble America. This process is beginning, and will likely actually happen around 2031 or 2032. American is on a path to destruction due in part to the failure to provide transparent and fair elections.

Read the report on the Georgia elections at The Chairman’s Report of the Election Law Study Subcommittee of the Standing Senate Judiciary Committee

The report says, “The November 3, 2020 General Election (the “Election”) was chaotic and any reported results must be viewed as untrustworthy".


Sunday, November 15, 2020

Africa Virus-Free, Or Not

Polio, like Covid-19, is spread via fecal matter and therefore can contaminate water and other surfaces. The oral polio vaccine was credited with helping to eradicate the wild polio virus from the African continent. Now the polio vaccine has escaped as a live virus and is in the wild in Africa paralyzing children. 

It is unclear what use purpose the World Health Organization is providing, if any.

UN says new polio outbreak in Sudan caused by oral vaccine

In a statement this week, WHO said two children in Sudan — one from South Darfur state and the other from Gedarif state, close to the border with Ethiopia and Eritrea — were paralyzed in March and April. Both had been recently vaccinated against polio. WHO said initial outbreak investigations show the cases are linked to an ongoing vaccine-derived outbreak in Chad that was first detected last year and is now spreading in Chad and Cameroon.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Dangerous Virus Experiments Funded By USA

 Over two hundred scientists wrote a letter about dangerous virus experiments. The letter was published as an opinion article in the Washington Post in February 2019. About a year later, the danger became real with precisely what the scientists warned about.

It looks like we did the Covid19 virus to ourselves. Oops... or maybe it was known this likely would happen.

The U.S. is funding dangerous experiments it doesn’t want you to know about

In the past year, the U.S. government quietly greenlighted funding for two groups of researchers, one in the United States and the other in the Netherlands, to conduct transmission-enhancing experiments on the bird flu virus as they were originally proposed before the moratorium. Amazingly, despite the potential public-health consequences of such work, neither the approval nor the deliberations or judgments that supported it were announced publicly. The government confirmed them only when a reporter learned about them through non-official channels.


Sunday, November 08, 2020

Liberal Writer At The Guardian Resigns

Glenn Greenwald, an avowed liberal writer who provided extensive reporting on the Edward Snowden revelations of USA illegal spying, has resigned from The Intercept. Apparently Glenn Greenwald is not woke enough to know that nobody may write about Biden family crimes.

My Resignation From The Intercept

The same trends of repression, censorship and ideological homogeneity plaguing the national press generally have engulfed the media outlet I co-founded, culminating in censorship of my own articles.

There is no safe place in America, as the liberal left will kill anything that doesn't confirm their narrative.


Longstanding claims of Biden corruption all but confirmed with Hunter’s emails

This material suggests that, despite Joe Biden’s insistence that he knew nothing about his family’s business deals, he was well aware of his son Hunter Biden’s business ventures in China, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and elsewhere.

These new troves constitute hard evidence of Biden family corruption, and confirm our reporting dating back to our 2018 book “Secret Empires.”

Tuesday, November 03, 2020

Waynesville Mayor Backtracks On Big Government Mandate

Waynesville Mayor Caldwell told a newspaper that a mask mandate would be proposed. When one hundred people attended the board meeting, which contained a draft mask mandate, Caldwell back-tracked and claimed it was a big misunderstanding.

Having multiple laboratories of government, the States and cities can choose their own paths. This will provide excellent studies of mortality.


Here is Mayor Caldwell blaming the media for the Waynesville draft mask mandate,

Caldwell’s insistence that a mask mandate wasn’t on the table — despite a draft mask mandate appearing in the town board’s meeting materials — confused the large crowd who had turned out.
“You can thank your local media for that,” Caldwell said, when members of the public questioned the inconsistency. “I don’t think I should have to be apologizing for the media.”

Mayor Caldwell's flip-flop is editorialized by The Mountaineer,

In his interview, Caldwell said he was on board with the idea of a town-wide mask mandate and cited the outbreak at the town finance office as evidence of how COVID-19 can quickly spread.
Just one day — and numerous angry phone calls later — the mayor was singing a different tune, which is fine. All are entitled to change their mind. What is unconscionable, though, is pretending you never held the view in the first place and hoping people just won’t notice. That’s exactly what Caldwell did.
In front of his colleagues, the town’s professional/administrative staff and the public, he went into denial mode and blamed the local media for “blowing it out of proportion.” In this case, that’s The Mountaineer as we were the only newspaper covering the issue.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Big Tech Steps In Politics

The CEO of Expensify, David Barrett, urges everyone to vote for old senile socialists. Small business owners should consider if the "woke" elites at tech companies are actually advocating for socialism.

Expensify's CEO emailed users to encourage them to 'vote for Biden'

Expensify CEO David Barrett blasted all of his customers with a message to vote for Biden to "protect democracy."

In the email, which the company has said was sent to all users, Expensify's founder said that "anything less than a vote for Biden is a vote against democracy" and urged his customer base to vote for the Democratic presidential candidate.


Monday, October 26, 2020

Government Tracks People And Refuses Congressional Oversight

The border patrol in USA has been buying cell phone location data from brokers and using the date in undisclosed ways. Congress attempted to get some information from the agency, and they refused to answer Congress' questions.

Americans gave up their freedom for temporary safety. Now Americans are paying taxes so government agencies can spy on their movements.


CBP Refuses to Tell Congress How it is Tracking Americans Without a Warrant

U.S. Customs and Border Protection is refusing to tell Congress what legal authority the agency is following to use commercially bought location data to track Americans without a warrant, according to the office of Senator Ron Wyden. The agency is buying location data from Americans all over the country, not just in border areas.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Wikipedia Is Biased

 One of the founders of Wikipedia, Larry Sanger, writes about current examples of the lack of transparency of the Wikipedia editors and how Wikipedia is biased.  It looks like Wikipedia has become one of the online media oligopoly, like Facebook.

Wikipedia Is Badly Biased

Wikipedia no longer has an effective neutrality policy. There is a rewritten policy, but it endorses the utterly bankrupt canard that journalists should avoid what they call “false balance.” The notion that we should avoid “false balance” is directly contradictory to the original neutrality policy. As a result, even as journalists turn to opinion and activism, Wikipedia now touts controversial points of view on politics, religion, and science. Here are some examples from each of these subjects, which were easy to find, no hunting around. Many, many more could be given.

Friday, October 16, 2020

Taking Care Of The Homeland

After decades of providing the military support for Europe, the USA is going to begin to pull back from military occupation of Germany. NATO has been free-loading off the taxpayers of the USA for too long.

Roughly calculating - 11,900 troops and the contractors and buildings to support the troops costs at least $3 billion each year. That money can be better spent at home.

US plans to withdraw troops from German bases

The US has formally announced plans to withdraw 11,900 troops stationed in Germany... the decision is part of a broader geo-political shift to focus on Asia, on a deeper level it is likely to reflect President Donald Trump’s anger that Germany, and leader Angela Merkel, has not fulfilled its demand for an increase in NATO spending.

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

JP Morgan Chase Felonies

 JP Morgan Chase continues to commit multiple felonies, and the government continues to refuse arrest the CEO and President and Board of Directors. When will the so-called leaders of JP Morgan Chase be locked up for these felonies?

JPMorgan Chase & Co. Agrees To Pay $920 Million in Connection with Schemes to Defraud Precious Metals and U.S. Treasuries Markets

JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPMorgan), a New York, New York-based global banking and financial services firm, has entered into a resolution with the Department of Justice to resolve criminal charges related to two distinct schemes to defraud: the first involving tens of thousands of episodes of unlawful trading in the markets for precious metals futures contracts, and the second involving thousands of episodes of unlawful trading in the markets for U.S. Treasury futures contracts and in the secondary (cash) market for U.S. Treasury notes and bonds.

The federal prosecutors, in a case against an average person, would say the "tens of thousands" of felonious actions are a conspiracy and ongoing criminal enterprise. In the USA, the banks own the government and the prosecutors.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Prince Charles Pontificates On Things He Does Not Know

Prince Charles, the militarily overly decorated figure-head from England says there should be a military-like campaign for climate change. Since Prince Charles never actually served in the military, and since he has no scientific education nor training, why does anyone listen to this bag of hot air?


Military-style Marshall Plan needed to combat climate change, says Prince Charles

“At this late stage I can see no other way forward but to call for a Marshall-like plan for nature, people and planet,” Charles said in a video recorded for the launch of a week of virtual climate change events in New York.

“We must now put ourselves on a warlike footing, approaching our action from the perspective of a military-style campaign,” he said.


Monday, May 25, 2020

Corrupt Election Judge In Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania had a corrupt election judge who had unfettered access to stuff votes at the voting machine. This went on for years before it was caught.  Domenick Demuro took money to fake the election results.

Former Philadelphia Judge of Elections Convicted of Conspiring to Violate Civil Rights and Bribery

A former Judge of Elections has been convicted for his role in accepting bribes to cast fraudulent ballots and certifying false voting results during the 2014, 2015, and 2016 primary elections in Philadelphia. 
Domenick J. Demuro, 73, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, pleaded guilty during a sealed proceeding on March 16, 2020, before U.S. District Judge Paul S. Diamond to conspiring to deprive persons of civil rights, and using interstate facilities in aid of bribery. The court unsealed the matter today.  Sentencing is scheduled for June 30, 2020.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Jewish Leader Wants Microchip Tracking In Children

With the history of the Holocaust and Jews being forced to wear clothing tagged with a Jewish star to identify them, it may be surprising that a Jewish leader is calling for electronic tagging of Jewish children. History shows this will be used in a discriminatory manner against the Jews.

Benjamin Netanyahu suggests microchipping kids

Cyber experts slammed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for his proposal to "microchip" children who return to schools and kindergartens as the coronavirus lockdown is lifted, Ynet reported on Friday.

While speaking at a press conference on Monday, Netanyahu suggested the Health Ministry use new technology to help Israel adjust to its new routine as the state is lifting the coronavirus lockdown. "That is, technology that has not been used before and is allowed under the legislation we shall enact," he clarified.


Bernie Sanders Is Big-Government Surveillance Supporter

It should come as no surprise that Bernie Sanders, former Democratic candidate for President in 2016 and 2020, supports the surveillance state. Bernie recently had the opportunity to require law enforcement to obtain a search warrant before snooping on American's web browsing. Bernie didn't bother to show up for the vote.

As reported, Thanks for nothing, Bernie Sanders
It’s a long-standing protection that Wyden and others have repeatedly tried to add to the more controversial aspects of spying laws introduced after the September 11, 2001 attacks but have so far consistently fallen short of introducing.
The amendment received 59 votes – one less than it needed to pass. Thirty-seven senators voted against the amendment but attention has turned to the four senators that didn’t vote, including former presidential candidate Bernie Sanders (I-VT). The three others were Lamar Alexander (R-TN), Patty Murray (D-WA) and Ben Sasse (R-NE). Anyone of them would have pushed the amendment forward.



Thursday, May 07, 2020

Unneeded Respiratory Ventilators

The original models of widespread hospital bed shortages have not materialized. The U.K. government had ordered 10,000 ventilators to be made by manufacturer Dyson. The need for those ventilators did not materialize.

Dyson says UK government does not need its COVID-19 ventilator
Vacuum cleaner company Dyson said the British government no longer needed the ventilator it had developed from scratch to help plug a shortfall of the devices needed to treat patients with severe COVID-19 symptoms. Dyson said last month it had received an order for 10,000 of the machines.

It has also been reported that the field hospitals are not being used.  U.S. Field Hospitals Stand Down
The endeavor cost more than $660 million, according to an NPR analysis of federal spending records.
But nearly four months into the pandemic, most of these facilities haven't treated a single patient.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Anti-bodies Widespread, Open Economy Now

Florida Department of Health is showing 11,351 cases in Dade county (Miami), Florida.  Find this by clicking here and then clicking here for county links. Choose Dade county.

The results for Miami look like this:

The Miami Herald newspaper reports the University of Miami researchers did anti-body testing and found 165,000 people have antibodies. This virus is spreading rapidly, and doing considerably less damage than forecasted a couple months ago. In fact, these results show the Florida Department of Health is under-counting anti-bodies by 14x - 15x.
About 6 percent of Miami-Dade’s population — about 165,000 residents — have antibodies indicating a past infection by the novel coronavirus, dwarfing the state health department’s tally of about 10,600 cases, according to preliminary study results announced by University of Miami researchers Friday.

Read more here:

As the protestors are saying in their demonstrations, it is time to acknowledge the medical expert's models were wrong and to open the economy now.

Closer to Covid-19 Herd Immunity

In a week of good news including flattening the growth curve of deaths, this report shows a huge number of people in New York have recovered from Covid-19. Most of them apparently didn't even know they had it, and now they have anti-bodies. This is good news because it tells us a significant and growing percentage of the population are developing anti-bodes without suffering ill effects.

New York antibody study estimates 13.9% of residents have had the coronavirus, Gov. Cuomo says
An estimated 13.9% of the New Yorkers have likely had Covid-19, according to preliminary results of coronavirus antibody testing released by Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Thursday.


“What we found so far is that the statewide number is 13.9% tested positive for having the antibodies,” he said. “They were infected three weeks ago, four weeks ago, five weeks ago, six weeks ago, but they had the virus, they developed the antibodies and they are now recovered.”...

The antibody testing indicates that the actual death rate is far lower, less than 1%, Cuomo said.

Governor Cuomo said, "... the actual death rate is far lower, less than 1%."

The death rate models from February and March were over-stated. It is time to re-open the economy while those with risky health conditions continue to shelter in place.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Temperate Rain Forest At South Pole

Scientists say the South Pole was a rain forest with high carbon dioxide levels. Since the South Pole is currently covered with snow and ice, maybe the Earth is in a period of cooling and normal would be a South Pole with trees, as it was in the past. Maybe planets go through various cycles of cooling and warming, much like seasonal cycles and daily cycles.

The following was published in the journal Nature about a warm South Pole.

Temperate rainforests near the South Pole during peak Cretaceous warmth
The mid-Cretaceous period was one of the warmest intervals of the past 140 million years1,2,3,4,5, driven by atmospheric carbon dioxide levels of around 1,000 parts per million by volume. ... Here we use a sedimentary sequence recovered from the West Antarctic shelf—the southernmost Cretaceous record reported so far—and show that a temperate lowland rainforest environment existed at a palaeolatitude of about 82° S during the Turonian–Santonian age (92 to 83 million years ago).

Friday, April 24, 2020

Bringing Covid-19 Immunity To The Herds

Asymptomatic transmission in a broad base of healthy people is a good thing. It brings immunity without the side effects of flu symptoms.

From the New England Journal of Medicine about Covid-19 herd immunity without flu symptoms:
An important finding of this report is that more than half the residents of this skilled nursing facility (27 of 48) who had positive tests were asymptomatic at testing.

People in a nursing facility typically suffer from poor health, co-mobidity, and other health issues. Nevertheless, half of these unhealthy people had Covid-19 without symptoms. This is good news because it shows even unhealthy groups can develop large percentages of persons with antibodies, which brings the vaunted herd immunity.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Virus Cycles, Country Test Cases

Like all natural systems and things, the Covid-19 flu follows a pattern or a cycle. It will spread, grow to a peak, and regress. It may return on regular cycles, similar to the seasonal flu during the winter.

Israeli Professor Shows Virus Follows Fixed Pattern
Professor Yitzhak Ben Israel of Tel Aviv University, who also serves on the research and development advisory board for Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, plotted the rates of new coronavirus infections of the U.S., U.K., Sweden, Italy, Israel, Switzerland, France, Germany, and Spain. The numbers told a shocking story: irrespective of whether the country quarantined like Israel, or went about business as usual like Sweden, coronavirus peaked and subsided in the exact same way. In the exact, same, way. His graphs show that all countries experienced seemingly identical coronavirus infection patterns, with the number of infected peaking in the sixth week and rapidly subsiding by the eighth week.

In other words, Professor Yitzhak Ben Israel has published data which shows the virus cycles in the same way regardless of lock downs and extreme "social distancing".

The top health regulator in Sweden allowed grown-ups to be grown-ups. The regulator recommended the Swedish economy and people's livelihoods be allowed to continue, with people exercising prudent behavior and caution.
Anders Tegnell, an epidemiologist at Sweden’s Public Health Agency, calls out lockdowns as being based on no evidence of effectiveness. He goes on to call out the modeling of others as being incorrect, and shows modeling for Sweden.

‘Closing borders is ridiculous’: the epidemiologist behind Sweden’s controversial coronavirus strategy
... Sweden didn’t go into lockdown or impose strict social-distancing policies. Instead, it rolled out voluntary, ‘trust-based’ measures: it advised older people to avoid social contact and recommended that people work from home, wash their hands regularly and avoid non-essential travel. But borders and schools for under-16s remain open — as do many businesses, including restaurants and bars. ...

... We have looked at a number of European Union countries to see whether they have published any analysis of the effects of these measures before they were started and we saw almost none. ...

... The public-health agency has released detailed modelling on a region-by-region basis that comes to much less pessimistic conclusions than other researchers in terms of hospitalizations and deaths per thousand infections. ...

This will be a fascinating case study of these approaches: hysterical lock downs causing economic destruction versus prudent action by grown-ups and allowing the economy and schools and daily life to continue while the virus cycles.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

FBI Can Not Be Trusted

Bloomberg reports that a federal government inspector general has found the F.B.I. can't be trusted with American's private information.

From the article that the FBI can't be trusted:
The FBI Can’t Be Trusted With the Surveillance of Americans

Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz issued a new report that found systematic errors of fact in the FBI’s applications for warrants under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. ... Out of 42 applications, the report says, 39 included major defects.

The article goes on to detail how the FBI ignored long-standing rules in order to illegally spy on politicians:
Rules that have been in place for nearly 20 years to verify the accuracy of facts presented in the warrant and include exculpatory information, known as the Woods procedures, were ignored. ... His conclusion is straightforward. “We do not have confidence that the FBI has executed its Woods procedures in compliance with FBI policy,” the report says.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Global Cooling Causes Arctic Trouble

An ozone hole in the atmosphere has opened over the Arctic due to environmental cooling.

Record-size hole opens in ozone layer above the Arctic

A rare hole has opened up in the ozone layer above the Arctic, in what scientists say is the result of unusually low temperatures in the atmosphere above the north pole.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Harvard Professor Lieber Indicted

This Harvard professor was recently indicted for lying about his spying and taking money from the Chinese. Maybe he is a liar. It also looks like Dr. Charles Lieber is a traitor.

Charles Lieber indicted for lying:

Harvard professor indicted:
Dr. Charles Lieber, 60, who is the chair of Harvard's Chemistry and Chemical Biology Department, is accused of lying about working with several Chinese organizations, where he collected hundreds of thousands of dollars from Chinese entities