Thursday, December 31, 2020

Overloaded Hospitals Are A Covid Joke

The UK narrative is that hospitals are overloaded with Covid patients. That narrative is a lie or a joke. This person videotaped empty hospital wards, and was later arrested for exposing the lies.

Watch the empty hospital video here. UK temporary hospital facilities were not used, and are being dismantled.

Woman arrested in connection with video filmed at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital

A 46-year-old woman has been arrested after a video was filmed at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital and posted online.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Bureaucratic Hypocrite Birx

Long-time government bureaucrat Dr. Birx told Americans to stay home and not meet relatives for the Thanksgiving holiday. What she demands other families do is not what she does. Dr. Birx visited one of her vacation homes with extended family. Dr. Birx is a hypocrite.

Trump continues to surround himself with deep-state hypocrites like Deborah Birx.

Birx travels, family visits highlight pandemic safety perils

Dr. Deborah Birx, coordinator of the White House coronavirus response, warned Americans to “be vigilant” and limit celebrations to “your immediate household.”

For many Americans that guidance has been difficult to abide, including for Birx herself.

The day after Thanksgiving, she traveled to one of her vacation properties on Fenwick Island in Delaware. She was accompanied by three generations of her family from two households. Birx, her husband Paige Reffe, a daughter, son-in-law and two young grandchildren were present.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

USA Election Fraud Starts Path To Splitting America

Additional information about election fraud continues to be released from the November 2020 elections. This is a bigger issue than Blue Team vs Red Team. The left and the right both think they are correct. The recent Georgia Senate report on the elections in that State can lead to the conclusion by everyone (left, right, independent) that elections are not fair and accurate.

Without fair and trustworthy elections, the populace may begin to feel there is nothing left to do other than disassemble America. This process is beginning, and will likely actually happen around 2031 or 2032. American is on a path to destruction due in part to the failure to provide transparent and fair elections.

Read the report on the Georgia elections at The Chairman’s Report of the Election Law Study Subcommittee of the Standing Senate Judiciary Committee

The report says, “The November 3, 2020 General Election (the “Election”) was chaotic and any reported results must be viewed as untrustworthy".