Saturday, March 20, 2021

Diversity Indoctrination Speech Training Cancelled

A college diversity training class, required for graduation, has been cancelled due to students being harassed in class for their beliefs. The indoctrination camps teach one particular message and if you do not agree, you are harassed.

Maybe more schools will see the diversity classes for what they are - speech compliance training.

Boise State cancels 50-plus diversity classes after claims student was ‘degraded’ for beliefs

Boise State University announced Tuesday it was canceling several core curriculum classes after allegations that at least one student was “degraded” for their beliefs in class.

The cancellation affects roughly 1,300 students in 52 sections of UF 200: Foundations of Ethics and Diversity, according to the university. ...

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Scientists "stunned" At Proof Of Global Cooling

People in the Western world often think linearly ... like a staircase always climbing higher. People in the Eastern world understand the cyclical nature of life and the environment.

There is a daily cycle of the sun shining and not shining.

There is a yearly cycle of the seasons.

There is an eleven year sunspot cycle.

There is a 300 year cycle of sun output, with reduce output possibly linked to increased volcano activity on Earth. Alternative USGS link here.

Core samples from under the Greenland icecap show plants were growing there in the past. If plants grew on Greenland, that would mean the current Greenland cover of snow and ice is due to a cooling period.

Scientists stunned to discover plants beneath mile-deep Greenland ice

The new study makes clear that the deep ice at Camp Century -- some 75 miles inland from the coast and only 800 miles from the North Pole -- entirely melted at least once within the last million years and was covered with vegetation, including moss and perhaps trees.