Monday, February 26, 2007

Fly-By-Wire Software Defects

Navigational software glitch forces Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptors back to Hawaii, abandoning first foreign deployment to Japanq
By Justin Wastnage
Lockheed Martin is rushing a software fix to Hawaii after 12 US Air Force F-22A Raptors en route to Japan for the stealth fighter’s first overseas deployment had to turn back because an unspecified problem with their navigation systems.

F-16 Problems (from Usenet net.aviation)
Bill Janssen
Wed, 27 Aug 86 14:31:45 CDT

A friend of mine who works for General Dynamics here in Ft. Worth wrote some
of the code for the F-16, and he is always telling me about some
neato-whiz-bang bug/feature they keep finding in the F-16:

o Since the F-16 is a fly-by-wire aircraft, the computer keeps the pilot from
doing dumb things to himself. So if the pilot jerks hard over on the
joystick, the computer will instruct the flight surfaces to make a nice and
easy 4 or 5 G flip. But the plane can withstand a much higher flip than that.
So when they were 'flying' the F-16 in simulation over the equator, the
computer got confused and instantly flipped the plane over, killing the
pilot [in simulation]. And since it can fly forever upside down, it would
do so until it ran out of fuel.

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