Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Opposition To Surveillance Mounts

Swedes had been free of blanket government snooping. The government representatives are proposing a law to allow widespread snooping. Swedes have not had a "terror" attack, so this spying law can't reasonably be claimed to "keep us safe from terrorists".

This is simply big government and big brother spying on us.
In our upside down world, war is peace and surveillance is safety.

A protest site.

Opposition to proposed surveillance law mounts

As the vote on Sweden’s controversial surveillance proposal nears, the voices of political party youth wings and bloggers are rising up in a chorus of opposition.

Gustaf Stenlund, spokesperson for the youth wing of the Moderate party believes a few Moderate parliamentarians will chose their conscience over party policy and vote against the proposal.

And Stenlund is not the only youth wing member of the centre-right coalition parties who is breaking ranks with his senior colleagues.

Centre Party youth wing chair Magnus Andersson is also frustrated over the support his party is giving the measure.

“The legislation and the Centre Party’s support for it goes against the ideals we stand for,” he told The Local.

If passed, the measure would enable Sweden's National Defence Radio Establishment (Försvarets Radioanstalt - FRA) to monitor all outgoing and incoming communications crossing Sweden’s borders.


Mikael Nilsson, one of the main organizers of the opposition movement, said that individuals from all walks of life simply don’t want a society which resembles that of China and North Korea.


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