On May 5th, the National Snow and Ice Data Center asks if the Artic ice could completely melt, then answers the question.
Arctic sea ice forecasts point to lower-than-average season ahead
Could the North Pole be ice free this melt season? Given that this region is currently covered with first-year ice, that seems quite possible.
Ten months later, they admit that Artic ice has been expanding and that they had the data the whole time. Since the data didn't fit the politically correct ideas of global warming, they simply ignored the data and relied on older an inaccurate sensors that provided the answer they were looking for.
They now blame the mistake and ten months of cover-up on bad sensors.
Satellite sensor errors cause data outage
As some of our readers have already noticed, there was a significant problem with the daily sea ice data images on February 16. The problem arose from a malfunction of the satellite sensor we use for our daily sea ice products.
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