Sunday, March 29, 2009

Fat-Cat Banker Fraudulent Conveyance

The fat-cat bankers continue to enrich themselves while taking taxpayer-funded government bailouts. The profits from these sales should be clawed back because it was fraudulent conveyance.

Goldman allowed executives to exit funds
By Greg Farrell in New York
Published: March 27 2009
Two of Goldman Sachs’ top executives, including Jon Winkelried, the co-chief operating officer, were allowed to sell part of their positions in the firm’s proprietary, illiquid investment funds last year, according to Goldman’s preliminary proxy statement, filed on Friday afternoon.

Mr Winkelried and Gregory Palm, the firm’s general counsel, both entered into “related party” transactions with Goldman in 2008, allowing them partially to sell, or “cash out” of, their holdings. According to the filing, Mr Winkelried received $19.7m and Mr Palm $38.3m from the sales.


Goldman Sachs is forbidden to extend loans to executives such as Mr Winkelried or Mr Palm because of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Either man could have raised cash by selling stock, but such sales by executives would have had to be disclosed to the market.

"The glue that binds us as a nation."

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Who Watches The Watchers

What if the watchers are breaking the law? Who watches the watchers?

Interesting how this commentary is published outside the USA while USA sheeple are fed BS while they pay for a monstrous police state that spies on it's citizens.

Who's watching the watchmen?
Matthew Harwood, Tuesday 24 March 2009

There's an ominous and Orwellian sounding phrase creeping into Washington discourse: "homeland security intelligence". The heart of homeland security intelligence is this: getting good intelligence into the hands of local and state police officers so they can prevent a terrorist attack before it occurs.

This means the perfectly reasonable goal of building information-sharing systems that enable a mutual flow of intelligence between all levels of government to increase the likelihood that enough dots get connected to breakup a terrorist plot.

But what is good intelligence? This is where things get scary. Pioneered by the Los Angeles police department, law enforcement agencies nationwide are adopting suspicious activity reports (SARs) that task police officers with collecting and reporting information that indicates pre-operation terrorist planning. But much of what indicates terrorist planning also doubles as completely innocent behaviour such as taking pictures of buildings, bridges and monuments.


From 2005 to 2006, the Maryland state police, with help from DHS, surveilled non-violent anti-war and anti-death penalty groups and labelled 53 individuals and groups as diverse as the DC Anti-War Network and Amnesty International as terrorists.

In February, the ACLU criticised a leaked bulletin from the North Central Texas Fusion System that concocted a crazy conspiracy theory that Muslim civil rights and anti-war activists were working together to spread sharia law inside the United States, which even if true, would not be illegal. Among the possible unwitting co-conspirators was the US Treasury department for hosting a conference on Islamic finance.


If you hold a political opinion outside the conventional two-party system, you're suspect.


Friday, March 27, 2009

Choose Your Own Net Worth

What if I could choose my own net worth and be paid a bonus by the government if my numbers look really good?

The government is using taxpayer funds to bail out insolvent financial institutions. Now the financial institutions will be able to set their own values, thus assuring big bonuses.

Is this sane? Where is the outrage?

New Rule Would Allow Banks To Choose Values Of Their Assets
March 26, 2009 12:00 PM
Robert Herz

The Financial Accounting Standards Board quietly buckled to banking-industry pressure last week and proposed new accounting practices that would allow banks to value assets at a higher price than they could currently be sold for.


Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fl.), who quizzed Herz on the accounting rule, said that the demand to change the rules is "representative of exactly the kind of thing that's put us in this position in general...We have people who break every rule in the book and then they think that the answer to their problems is to break more rules. It's given us some real insight into the human nature and the pathology of the people who have created these problems for America."

If banks are allowed to determine the value of their assets without regard to current prices, investors have less trust and confidence in the integrity of their books and their assets, which could further freeze markets and further drive down prices.


... less trust and confidence in the integrity of their books and their assets, which could further freeze markets ...

When banks can use fantasy-land prices, no investor will be able to trust the books of any company. Aside from short-term scalping, who will buy stock for the long term? Who will buy life insurance policies from companies with make-believe books?

Removing mark-to-market accounting will make the economic problems worse while extending the period of correction by many years.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Pay With Silver

The US Mint creates coins of silver, gold, and other metals that have face value. Some coins, such as the State quarters, are fun and inexpensive collectibles for children. Other coins, such as proof platinum eagles, are expensive numismatic collectibles.

A Nevada businessman was paying his contractors with silver eagles, and declaring the face value (one dollar) of the coin. The IRS raided his place of business, filed charges, went to trial, and the IRS had no convictions.

Kahre tax trial in Nevada for paying employers with silver eagles:

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Fabricated Pharmaceutical Studies

Why does anyone trust the FDA to protect consumers? The FDA suppresses alternatives including vitamins, while protecting drug company profits on dangerous chemicals.

(NaturalNews) The health community is up in arms over the discovery that a highly-respected and influential clinical researcher, Dr. Scott Reuben, fabricated the data used in over twenty pharmaceutical studies published in peer-reviewed medical journals. Read the full NaturalNews report on this topic here:

These studies promoted the safety and "benefits" of drugs like Bextra (Pfizer), Vioxx (Merck), Lyrica, Celebrex and Effexor. The lead researcher on these studies, Dr. Scott Reuben, was being paid by Pfizer and Merck, so there's a verified financial connection between this clinical researcher and at least two of the drug companies that benefitted from his fabricated findings.

Enabling Another 9/11 Plane Hijacking

After 9/11 the ability of commercial pilots to defend their aircraft with a firearm was restored. Now the approval process is being delayed, thus risking the pilots, passengers, aircraft, anything on the ground which could be struck by a hijacked aircraft.

9/11 showed that disarmed pilots are a threat to the passengers and the country. Removing the ability to defend ourselves puts everyone at risk.

Now President Obama is quietly ending the federal firearms program, risking public safety on airlines in the name of an anti-gun ideology.


Screening of airplane passengers is hardly perfect. While armed marshals are helpful, the program covers less than 3 percent of the flights out of Washington D.C.'s three airports and even fewer across the country. Sky marshals are costly and quit more often than other law-enforcement officers.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Police Shoot Unarmed Man For Alleged Misdemeanor

Police shoot unarmed man in the chest for ... smoking ... marijuana. The following article states that where this occurred in Michigan marijuana possession and consumption is a misdemeanor. This is action of a brutal police state that defies the law and the will of the people as determined through laws enacted by their elected representatives.

So basically, Derek Copp was shot in the chest for a misdemeanor.

... in Michigan, “possession of any amount of marijuana is a misdemeanor that carries a $2,000 fine and a maximum of a year in jail. Actually smoking marijuana (a separate crime) in any location, including your house, is also a misdemeanor, but will only get you 90 days in jail and a $100 fine. However, conditional discharge is available in all use and possession cases, which means that the judge has wide discretion to use alternative sentencing (rehab, community service, etc...) for first time offenders. Usually, conditional release lets a person opt for probation rather than trial. After successfully completing probation, the individual's criminal record does not reflect the charge.”

FDA Medical Device Profits

Natural News reports scientists are speaking up about corruption at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA has a charter to test for safe and effective devices, but has become a monopolistic profit-granting machine for any company that can get a medical device approved. The breast cancer screening is alleged to not be effective while exposing patients to radiation, but the devices are huge profit machines for the manufacturers.

A group of nine FDA scientists has sent letters to top politicians, accusing agency managers of intimidating and coercing scientists into changing or suppressing scientific data. In October, the scientists sent a letter to the House Energy and Commerce Committee. In early January, they sent another to then-president-elect Barack Obama.

The medical device review process, in particular, has been "corrupted and distorted by current FDA managers, thereby placing the American people at risk," the letter to Obama reads.

For example, the FDA continues to approve the use of certain mammography computer-aided detection devices for breast cancer screening, over repeated objections from agency doctors and scientists that there is no clinical evidence that the devices work as advertised.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

How To Identify Domestic Terrorists

A document for Missouri law enforcement purports to help law enforcement identify terrorists by looking for bumper stickers.


The Feb. 20 report called "The Modern Militia Movement" mentions such red flags as political bumper stickers for third-party candidates, such as U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, who ran for president last year; talk of conspiracy theories, such as the plan for a superhighway linking Canada to Mexico; and possession of subversive literature.


"All this is an educational thing," Hotz said of the report. "Troopers have been shot by members of groups, so it's our job to let law enforcement officers know what the trends are in the modern militia movement."

But Tim Neal, a military veteran and delegate to last year's state GOP convention, was shocked by the report's contents.

"I was going down the list and thinking, 'Check, that's me,'" he said. "I'm a Ron Paul supporter, check. I talk about the North American union, check. I've got the 'America: Freedom to Fascism' video loaned out to somebody right now. So that means I'm a domestic terrorist? Because I've got a video about the Federal Reserve?"

Neal, who has a Ron Paul bumper sticker on his car, said the next time he is pulled over by a police officer, he won't know whether it's because he was speeding or because of his political views.


Secret Treaty

Treaties obligate American (and Americans) to adhere to agreements with another country. Treaties are supposed to be negotiated by the Executive branch (president) and approved by the Legislative branch (congress).

The President is refusing to release the text of a proposed treaty for "national security" reasons. This is ridiculous and contrary to the American form of Constitutional government.

Copyright treaty is classified for 'national security'
by Declan McCullagh

Last September, the Bush administration defended the unusual secrecy over an anti-counterfeiting treaty being negotiated by the U.S. government, which some liberal groups worry could criminalize some peer-to-peer file sharing that infringes copyrights.

Now President Obama's White House has tightened the cloak of government secrecy still further, saying in a letter this week that a discussion draft of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement and related materials are "classified in the interest of national security pursuant to Executive Order 12958."

Sunday, March 08, 2009

FDIC Punishes Prudent Banks

Imprudent banks made bad loans that bumped up their earnings (and bonuses) for several years. Now those banks are in trouble. The banks that were prudent and careful, and which didn't generate huge bonuses for their staffs, are going to be punished.

In the world of government political mismanagement, no good deed goes unpunished. The small prudent banks are now going to pay for the sins of the cheaters.

FDIC Extends Restoration Plan; Imposes Special Assessment
The Board also took action to ensure the continued strength of the insurance fund by imposing a special assessment on insured institutions of 20 basis points, implementing changes to the risk-based assessment system, and setting rates beginning the second quarter of 2009.

Bank of America refuses to release names of employees who received bonus payments in the past several months while Bank of America was receiving billions in taxpayer bailouts.

Excising The Derivative Tumor

The following contains a good explanation of fractional reserve banking, regulatory powers of the private Federal Reserve, regulatory powers of the private Bank for International Settlements, and a good analysis of the credit derivative problems.

There is also an example of an alternative method of credit creation that has had long-term success in North Dakota.

The real credit problem lies with the financial institutions with significant derivative exposure, and most of this liability is carried by only a handful of Wall Street giants. In early 2008, outstanding derivatives on the books of U.S. banks exceeded $180 trillion. However, $90 trillion of this was carried on the books of JPMorgan Chase alone, while Citibank and Bank of America each had $38 trillion on their books. Needless to say, these are also the banks that are first in line for the Treasury’s bailout money under the Troubled Asset Relief Program. Rather than excising the relatively contained derivative tumor, the Treasury and the Fed are feeding it with trillions in taxpayer money; and this money is being used, not to unfreeze credit by making loans, but to buy up smaller banks. That means the derivative cancer, rather than being excised, is liable to spread.

We the people and our representatives in Congress have allowed Wall Street to call the shots because we think we are dependent on their credit system, but we aren’t. There are other ways to get credit -- ways that are fair, efficient, transparent, and don’t encourage greed. Public credit could be generated by a system of public banks. Precedent for this solution is to be found in the state-owned Bank of North Dakota, which has been generating credit for North Dakota since 1919, keeping the state fiscally sound when other states are floundering. (See Ellen Brown, “Sustainable Government: Banking for a ‘New’ New Deal,”, December 8, 2008.)

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Government Allowed IndyMac Bank To Cook Its Books

Government regulator allowed failing bank to cook it's books, thus causing large taxpayer losses. This corrupt government employee now retires with a guaranteed pension funded by taxpayers.

Scandal at Treasury: Official Quits Amidst Fraud Scandal
Darrel Dochow Allowed IndyMac Bank to Cook Its Books, Investigators Say

The man at the center of a fraud scandal at the Treasury Department has been allowed to quietly quit and retire from his job as a government regulator, despite allegations that he allowed a bank to falsify financial records and amidst outcries from investigators who say the case shows how cozy government regulators have become with the banks and savings and loans they are supposed to be checking on.

Former bank regulator Darrel Dochow evades ABC News' questions about the Treasury Department Inspector General's investigation into allegations he allowed IndyMac to cook its books when he worked at the Office of Thrift Supervision.

Darrel Dochow, the West Coast regional director at the Office of Thrift Supervision who investigators say allowed IndyMac to backdate its deposits to hide its ill health, quit last Friday. Prior to his leaving, Dochow was removed from his position but remained on the government payroll while the Inspector General's Office investigates the allegations against him.

Live Avian Flu In Vaccines

Yes, how could this have happened? It is becoming more difficult to trust any of the so-called experts and authorities to do what is right for the people.

Deerfield, Illinois-based pharmaceutical company Baxter International Inc. has just been caught shipping live avian flu viruses mixed with vaccine material to medical distributors in 18 countries. The "mistake" (if you can call it that, see below...) was discovered by the National Microbiology Laboratory in Canada. The World Health Organization was alerted and panic spread throughout the vaccine community as health experts asked the obvious question: How could this have happened?


But there's a bigger question in all this: How could this company have accidentally mixed LIVE avian flu viruses (both H5N1 and H3N2, the human form) in this vaccine material?

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Economic Protests

Some people are waking up to the fact that governments have not been helping the common people. Expect more protests in more countries, and increasing violence.

Up to 120,000 protest in recession-hit Ireland
DUBLIN (AFP) — Up to 120,000 protesters brought Dublin city centre to a standstill on Saturday over government austerity measures aimed at stabilising the once high-flying economy now wracked by recession.

The demonstration came a day after the global economic crisis led to another political casualty elsewhere in Europe, with Latvia's prime minister quitting as his country grapples with deepening recession.