Police shoot unarmed man in the chest for ... smoking ... marijuana. The following article states that where this occurred in Michigan marijuana possession and consumption is a misdemeanor. This is action of a brutal police state that defies the law and the will of the people as determined through laws enacted by their elected representatives.
So basically, Derek Copp was shot in the chest for a misdemeanor.
... in Michigan, “possession of any amount of marijuana is a misdemeanor that carries a $2,000 fine and a maximum of a year in jail. Actually smoking marijuana (a separate crime) in any location, including your house, is also a misdemeanor, but will only get you 90 days in jail and a $100 fine. However, conditional discharge is available in all use and possession cases, which means that the judge has wide discretion to use alternative sentencing (rehab, community service, etc...) for first time offenders. Usually, conditional release lets a person opt for probation rather than trial. After successfully completing probation, the individual's criminal record does not reflect the charge.”
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