Sunday, December 12, 2010

Mexicans Bypass TSA Security Theater

Janet Napolitano continues to make a mockery of the rule of law by allowing Mexicans to bypass airport security through the Global Entry Program.
United States has signed a “trusted traveler” agreement that allows pre-screened Mexican airline passengers to bypass lengthy airport security checkpoints.

The Global Entry Program and it's "trusted traveler program" do background checks and require a fingerprint. "All applicants undergo a rigorous background check and interview before enrollment." How does this prove a person will not become a threat in the future? Does this not set up people in the "trusted traveler program" for blackmail or threats of violence against their family so they will be coerced to carry dangerous items around the security screening?

Fingerprints and backgrounds prove nothing about what a person may do in the future. Anyone in the program will unwittingly set themselves up as a target for coercion and blackmail.

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