Saturday, August 27, 2011

Aristocracy Gets $1.2 Trillion Taxpayer Secret Loans

The private cartel central bank "Federal Reserve" could have paid everyone's mortgage. Instead they bailed out their banker friends.

Wall Street Aristocracy Got $1.2 Trillion in Secret Loans
Fed Chairman Ben S. Bernanke’s unprecedented effort to keep the economy from plunging into depression included lending banks and other companies as much as $1.2 trillion of public money, about the same amount U.S. homeowners currently owe on 6.5 million delinquent and foreclosed mortgages.


“These are all whopping numbers,” said Robert Litan, a former Justice Department official who in the 1990s served on a commission probing the causes of the savings and loan crisis. “You’re talking about the aristocracy of American finance going down the tubes without the federal money.”

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