Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Fake Town; Wasted Money

In the continuing theater of the government of the absurd, the government will spend taxpayer money to build a 20 mile miniature fake city. The fake city will be used as a testing ground to spend even more taxpayer money.

This article calls it a "science project". I call it "government sponsored waste".
Although no one will live there, the replica city will be modeled after a typical American town of 35,000 people, complete with highways, houses and commercial buildings, old and new.

Pegasus Global Holdings CEO Bob Brumley says the $200 million project, known as The Center, will be a first of its kind in the U.S., creating a place for scientists at the state’s universities, federal labs and military installations to test their innovations for upgrading cities to 21st century green technology and infrastructure in a real world setting.

... it will be developed on state-owned land ...

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