Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Rip-Off Gas Station in Orlando

A mile north of Orlando airport, there are two gas stations across the street from each other.  Complete rip-off at $5.50 per gallon.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Patent Frustration

Frustrated with a rejection by the US patent office, attorney Andrew Schroeder loses it.

Are you drunk? No, seriously…are you drinking scotch and whiskey with a side of crack cocaine while you "examine" patent applications?

Since when did the USPTO become a post World War II jobs program?

Do we have to write patent applications in crayon? Does a patent application have to come with some sort of pop-up book? Do you have to be a family member or some big law firm who incentivizes you with some other special deal?

Perhaps you might want to take your job seriously and actually give a sh.t! What's the point in having to deal with you Special Olympics rejects when we should just go straight to Appeals? While you idiots sit around in bathtubs farting and picking your noses ...

Your job is not a joke, but you are turning it into a regular three ring circus.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

IRS: All Your Base Are Belong To Us

The employees working for the IRS believe they deserve to know everything about you, without a warrant.  While this is outrageous, most Americans seem not to care.

IRS: We can read emails without warrant
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has claimed that agents do not need warrants to read people's emails, text messages and other private electronic communications, according to internal agency documents.
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), which obtained the documents through a Freedom of Information Act request, released the information on Wednesday.

Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Disguised Product Placement in Wall Street Journal

In summer of 2012, the Mormons made an advertising push using outdoor billboards to try sell present Mormons as being regular people.  The 2012 Presidential race, with Willard "Mitt" Romney as the GOP nominee, excited Mormons for several reasons:
  • higher profile for the religion
  • upon election, Romney would provide cover for further intelligence agency staffing by Mormons
  • church bishops would control Romney, and therefore control the direction of the country.
The Mormon marketing and branding push is continuing, though in more subtle ways.  The Wall Street Journal recently ran what appeared to be a company press release or paid article for Mormons.  The article/ad highlighted how a woman led a prayer.

The article/ad incorrectly referred to the Mormon religion as "Christianity", which is not correct.  The Mormon religion is a recently created cult which believes every member can rise to the status of God.  True Christianity believes there is only one God, therefore Mormons are not Christians.  Mormons don't display the cross, look down on unmarried women who don't have children (though now believe after death they will be rewarded with a husband and children) and it is difficult to escape the Mormon cult.

Shame on the Wall Street Journal.

Saturday, April 06, 2013

Financial Information At A Price

While America's worker bees are encouraged to go to work, don't question America's policy, pay taxes, and put a few dollars into a self-directed retirement plan.  The bankster elites have found yet another way to skim the worker's retirement funds out of the stock market, by paying for early access to information that the SEC says is supposed to be released with equal access to everyone at the same time.

The banksters use high-priced trading subscriptions to skim fractions of a penny from all transactions by front-running the average retail investor.  This is known as "high frequency trading".  These schemes typically have subscriptions to data feeds, and the high-priced subscriptions are alleged to provide early access to company information.  There are laws against this and the SEC prohibits this.  The banksters continue to be above the law, while skimming from

A former Thomson Reuters Corp employee has filed a lawsuit saying he was fired for telling the Federal Bureau of Investigation that he believed the company violated insider-trading laws ...
Thomson Reuters releases the monthly survey to so-called "ultra low-latency" subscribers at two seconds before 9:55 a.m. ET, to "desktop" subscribers at 9:55 a.m., and to the general public at 10 a.m.

American Poverty Rises

Poverty in America is approaching 1960s levels.  Looks like all of that outsourcing and offshoring is not helping the people.  Meanwhile, the banksters were bailed out and kept their 2008 bonuses.  USA USA USA!

U.S. poverty on track to rise to highest since 1960s

Poverty is spreading at record levels across many groups, from underemployed workers and suburban families to the poorest poor. More discouraged workers are giving up on the job market ...

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Bitcoin Overview

Introduction to Bitcoin, a fast-growing digital currency.

Article from The Spectator
How Bitcoin could destroy the state (and perhaps make me a bit of money)

Tom Woods discusses Bitcoin with Erik Voorhees

WeUseCoins describes the system in detail.

Limited to 21 million units.  Each unit is divisible.

A nay-sayer says not to use it.  Coins are not limited and parallel systems on the same code base have sprung up.