While America's worker bees are encouraged to go to work, don't question America's policy, pay taxes, and put a few dollars into a self-directed retirement plan. The bankster elites have found yet another way to skim the worker's retirement funds out of the stock market, by paying for early access to information that the SEC says is supposed to be released with equal access to everyone at the same time.
The banksters use high-priced trading subscriptions to skim fractions of a penny from all transactions by front-running the average retail investor. This is known as "high frequency trading". These schemes typically have subscriptions to data feeds, and the high-priced subscriptions are alleged to provide early access to company information. There are laws against this and the SEC prohibits this. The banksters continue to be above the law, while skimming from
A former Thomson Reuters Corp employee has filed a lawsuit saying he was
fired for telling the Federal Bureau of Investigation that he believed
the company violated insider-trading laws ...
Thomson Reuters releases the monthly survey to
so-called "ultra low-latency" subscribers at two seconds before 9:55
a.m. ET, to "desktop" subscribers at 9:55 a.m., and to the general
public at 10 a.m.
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