Saturday, February 06, 2021

US Government Attorney Argues For Killing Citizens Without Trial

 An attorney for the US federal government has argued that citizens should be allowed to be executed without a trial. That US Department of Justice can allow this idea to even be spoken, shows the depravity in that organization and their contempt for the people who pay their salaries.

US can kill its own citizens without review when state secrets are involved, DOJ lawyer argues

A U.S. Department of Justice lawyer argued Monday that the United States can kill its own citizens without judicial review when litigation would reveal state secrets.


Judge Patricia Millett characterized the DOJ’s argument as giving the government the ability to “unilaterally decide to kill U.S. citizens,” according to coverage of the argument by Courthouse News Service. “Do you appreciate how extraordinary that proposition is?”


DOJ lawyer Bradley Hinshelwood acknowledged during the hearing that a strike against U.S. citizen is a serious undertaking.

This is extraordinary that a trained government lawyer, Bradly Hinshelwood, believes US citizens may be executed without trial.

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