The cabal of international banksters who manipulate small-country economies, International Monetary Fund (IMF), has determined that people should definitely not use independent non-censorable people's money.
IMF says not to use people's money:
Its use also gives rise to fiscal contingent liabilities. Because of those risks, Bitcoin should not be used as a legal tender.
If regular people voluntarily reduce their usage of fiat government currencies such as US dollar and Euro, the IMF will have less ability to use debt-bondage to enslave small countries. That will reduce the influence and prestige of the overpaid banksters.
The IMF statement goes on to recommend immediate halt of using the people's money:
Measures to limit fiscal contingent liabilities, such as winding down the trust fund or withdrawing public subsidies to Chivo, should also be promptly considered.
Bitcoin has been successful for a dozen years, while government fiat currencies continue to sink in value. The people can voluntarily stop funding the banker's feasts. People should make their own choices.
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