Friday, March 31, 2023

CIA Protected Nazis In Ukraine

German WWII Nazis have been associated, and criminally convicted, of humans rights abuses. They often targeted people based on ethnicity. During WWII there were extremists in areas which later became Ukraine. Those extremists have been reported to commit crimes worse than German Nazis. After WWII, the CIA protected these extremists and the ethnic cleansing in that area has festered and was recently reignited. The CIA protection and collaboration with Ukraine extremists was done to supposedly destablize the Soviet Union.

How the CIA protected Nazi murderers

Declassified CIA files have revealed that US intelligence officials went to great lengths to protect a Ukrainian fascist leader and suspected Nazi collaborator from prosecution after the Second World War and used him to stir up trouble inside the Soviet Union from an office in New York.

Corruption in Ukraine is so bad that the world IMF halted funding to Ukraine in 2021.

IMF puts Ukraine on pause over corruption concerns

For months, senior Ukrainian officials have been claiming that the Ukrainian government has done everything the International Monetary Fund (IMF) could possibly demand. Investment banks and brokerages that hawk Ukrainian bonds have cheerfully promoted these statements. They have speculated that Ukraine would receive its next IMF tranche during the first quarter of 2021, or at the very latest, in the following months. Unfortunately, this happy talk was always detached from reality.


Will Zelenskyy make the fateful decision to impose genuine rule of law? For the past three decades, a corrupt judicial system has blocked the development of the Ukrainian economy while enabling the oligarch class to dominate the country.


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