Sunday, January 24, 2010

Congress Continues Bank Bailouts

Congress voted down the ending of the TARP bank bailout program. The TLGP program also continues, and it is being used by banks that are touting that they supposedly paid back the money.

US Senate Votes Down Measure Seeking To End TARP

WASHINGTON -(Dow Jones)- The U.S. Senate narrowly voted to defeat a proposal to immediately end the Treasury's financial market rescue plan as several moderate Democrats sided with the Republican minority in favor of the measure.

The proposal would have sought to wind down the Troubled Asset Relief Program, and require the Treasury to use any unspent funds to pay down the burgeoning federal government budget deficit.


Saturday, January 23, 2010

TSA Plants Drugs

A TSA agent plants a bag of drugs in a passenger's luggage then harasses the passenger.

It was no joke at security gate


After pulling her laptop out of her carry-on bag, sliding the items through the scanning machines, and walking through a detector, she went to collect her things.

A TSA worker was staring at her. He motioned her toward him.

Then he pulled a small, clear plastic bag from her carry-on - the sort of baggie that a pair of earrings might come in. Inside the bag was fine, white powder.

She remembers his words: "Where did you get it?"

Two thoughts came to her in a jumble: A terrorist was using her to sneak bomb-detonating materials on the plane. Or a drug dealer had made her an unwitting mule, planting coke or some other trouble in her bag while she wasn't looking.

She'd left her carry-on by her feet as she handed her license and boarding pass to a security agent at the beginning of the line.

Answer truthfully, the TSA worker informed her, and everything will be OK.

Solomon, 5-foot-3 and traveling alone, looked up at the man in the black shirt and fought back tears.

Put yourself in her place and count out 20 seconds. Her heart pounded. She started to sweat. She panicked at having to explain something she couldn't.

Now picture her expression as the TSA employee started to smile.

Just kidding, he said. He waved the baggie. It was his.

And so she collected her things, stunned, and the tears began to fall.


Friday, January 22, 2010

Charity For Haiti

Instead of governments confiscating tax money and sending it as aid to Haiti, we should allow the generosity of people to provide aid to Haiti.

Both big and small, personal charity is better than government force.

Utah millionaire mounts own Haiti aid operation

JIMANI, Dominican Republic – When Utah millionaire Jeremy Johnson saw news reports of Haiti's suffering, it wasn't enough to just pick up the phone and donate money.

He mounted his own relief mission.

Johnson began organizing the effort with friends and business partners in St. George, Utah, immediately after the Jan. 12 earthquake. Within three days he was ferrying food, doctors and medicine into Haiti from the Dominican Republic, using two personal jets and helicopters.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Bed Warmers

Only in ... the U.K.

International hotel chain Holiday Inn is offering a trial human bed-warming service at three hotels in Britain this month.

If requested, a willing staff-member at two of the chain's London hotels and one in the northern English city of Manchester will dress in an all-in-one fleece sleeper suit before slipping between the sheets.


Federal Reserve Chains USA To Sinking Economies

The Federal Reserve, a private group of bankers with monopoly license to print dollars and set the price of dollars via interest rates, has for years done currency swaps with other central banks. For example, the Fed has traded dollars for British Pounds. With these currency swaps, the Fed (and therefore the USA) is at risk of default by the Bank of England. When the currency swap values are small, the Fed could probably absorb the loss of a default. The Federal Reserve has now said it will allow currency swaps of unlimited size, which effectively anchors the USA to countries that have sinking economies. This is a real danger to the stability of the dollar and the USA.

Statement from The Federal Reserve about unlimited currency swaps:
Accordingly, sizes of the reciprocal currency arrangements (swap lines) between the Federal Reserve and the BoE, the ECB, and the SNB will be increased to accommodate whatever quantity of U.S. dollar funding is demanded. The Bank of Japan will be considering the introduction of similar measures.

The US Treasury apparently publishes the outstanding currency swaps which total slightly more than one-half trillion dollars.

Saturday, January 09, 2010

H1N1 Swine Flu Fizzles

While Harvard researchers backtrack on their previous statements, the French were skeptical. There are about 90 million people in France, and only five million people took the vaccine. The French overwhelmingly understood the swine flu was over-hyped.

Harvard Takes it Back and Says Swine Flu was Oversold
Posted by: Dr. Mercola
A new analysis from Harvard University, using H1N1 deaths in the U.S. in the spring and projecting likely outcomes for this fall, suggests that the swine flu “pandemic” has been oversold.

The new paper suggests swine flu was unlikely to create a severe epidemic. In light of this, officials have taken many steps that may have been unnecessary, including mass vaccinations.

France sells off surplus swine flu vaccine

France ordered 94 million doses of swine flu vaccine

France is selling off millions of surplus swine flu vaccine doses to other countries, officials say.


Only about five million people are recorded as having been vaccinated in France so far, AFP reports.


American Airlines Flight 77 Not Hijacked?

Analysis of flight data recorder logs from American Airlines flight 77 that reportedly crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11 shows the cockpit door was never opened. If the cockpit door remained closed throughout the short flight, was the cockpit really overtaken by force?

The flight data recording analysis was done by Pilots for 9/11 Truth, an organization of experienced civilian and military pilots who are analyzing factual information from 9/11. Rob Balsamo, founder of Pilots for 9/11 Truth, stated: “We have not located any independently verified data which confirms the government’s story. The FBI and NTSB refuse to comment.

This analysis contributes to other inconsistencies, such as lack of plane wreckage at the site.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

ATM Card Failures Due to New Year

In Germany, some ATM (and debit cards) have failed at the new year. The failing cards have the gold color chips. The cards are designed so that if the chip fails, the card reader will rely on the less secure magnetic strip. The work around is to damage the gold chip and some supermarkets are providing tape for customers to tape over the gold chip contacts.

Read the full article, in German.

Geithner's NY Fed Helps AIG Cover Up Bailout

Admitted tax cheat Tim Geithner is Secretary of the Treasury and was previously chief of the NY Fed. While Geithner ran the NY Fed, it coordinated with AIG to cover up payments made to AIG.

Geithner’s Fed Told AIG to Limit Swaps Disclosure
By Hugh Son
Jan. 7 (Bloomberg) -- The Federal Reserve Bank of New York, then led by Timothy Geithner, told American International Group Inc. to withhold details from the public about the bailed-out insurer’s payments to banks during the depths of the financial crisis, e-mails between the company and its regulator show. ...

It is time to End The Fed.

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Police Plant Bombs In Luggage

An unsuspecting airline passenger had live explosives planted in his luggage by police. Days later, the passenger's apartment was searched and the passenger was detained for several hours.

Apparently the police can plant explosives with immunity. When the police become terrorists, who can be trusted?

Slovak security test ends with explosives on plane

BRATISLAVA, Slovakia – A failed airport security test ended up with a Slovak man unwittingly carrying hidden explosives in his luggage on a flight to Dublin, Slovak officials admitted Wednesday — a mistake that enraged Irish authorities and shocked aviation experts worldwide.

Chemical Cover Up

The government has conspired with product manufacturers to keep chemical ingredients secret from consumers, putting people's health at risk.

Use of potentially harmful chemicals kept secret under law
By Lyndsey Layton
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, January 4, 2010


Under the 1976 Toxic Substances Control Act, manufacturers must report to the federal government new chemicals they intend to market. But the law exempts from public disclosure any information that could harm their bottom line.

Government officials, scientists and environmental groups say that manufacturers have exploited weaknesses in the law to claim secrecy for an ever-increasing number of chemicals. In the past several years, 95 percent of the notices for new chemicals sent to the government requested some secrecy, according to the Government Accountability Office. About 700 chemicals are introduced annually.


Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Iceland Protests

People in Iceland are not rolling over and accepting enslavement by the global banking cartel. The people of Iceland delivered a petition to the home of the President and the people brought torches.