Sunday, March 20, 2011

Saudi Arabia No Fly Zone

Will their be a Saudi Arabia no fly zone like in Libya? The actions against Libya are about oil. Saudi Arabia, home of most of the 9/11 hijackers, are our "friends". There will be no military action against Saudi Arabia.

Now Saudis take to the streets to demand the release of prisoners held without trial
Dozens of Saudi men and women have gathered outside the Interior Ministry in Riyadh to demand the release of their relatives who have been held without trial for years.


Protests in Saudi Arabia are banned however it was the third protest this month by families and activists demanding information on the fate of people held for years on security and terrorism charges.

Obama's Wars

Obama is following in Bush's footsteps with military intervention. The USA continues to build a terrible legacy of provocation and meddling.

Libya: 'Air Strike Destroys Gaddafi Residence'
An air strike has destroyed an administrative building at Colonel Muammar Gaddafi's residence, according to reports.
Earlier in the day, the Arab League criticised the military action, with the group's chief speaking out just a week after urging the United Nations to operate a no-fly zone on the North African state.

U.S. Tomahawk Cruise Missiles Hit Targets in Libya
... President Obama, speaking from Brazil shortly after he authorized the missile attacks, said they were part of a "limited military action" ...

Monday, March 14, 2011

Radiation Map

After the tragic loss of life due to the earthquake and tsunami, many in the USA are consider about potential radiation exposure. Much of the fear is based on uncertainty about radiation levels.

This site claims to display current radiation levels around the USA.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Superfluous Traffic Stops

Four-way intersections, or the hard left turn, have many disadvantages. "T-bone" accidents are the most destructive. Vehicle stopping and starting is an unnecessary fuel waste.

Roundabouts (traffic circles) provide for continuous traffic flow. T-bone accidents are virtually non-existent.

Germany has depended on traffic lights for too long, said Duisburg professor and traffic researcher Michael Schreckenberg, who contends that the tricolor system is too expensive, inconvenient and potentially dangerous to keep around.

“Between 30 and 50 percent of the traffic lights could be replaced,” he said.


Cologne, for example, has replaced 200 traffic lights with roundabouts and zebra stripes in the past several years, a move which could save the city almost €4 million in energy and maintenance costs, according to the city’s own estimates. A further 90 traffic light eliminations are still expected.

Further beyond commonly accepted practices of traffic control are complete removal of traffic control. The article continues:
Other communities have ascribed to the “shared-space” model, a radical process by which all traffic lights and signs are eliminated from certain areas.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mortgage Problems In Maryland

This will cause huge problems for obtaining clear titles on these properties. An investigation has been opened. Justice requires thousands of criminal indictments.

More foreclosure irregularities alleged in Maryland
The complaint, filed last week by a paralegal formerly employed by the Shapiro & Burson law firm, lays out allegations that attorneys who were supposed to be signing deeds and key foreclosure paperwork for Maryland properties instead instructed others to falsify their signatures on the documents.
A total of 16 notaries at several firms since last summer either have stepped down, were stripped of their commissions or let them lapse after complaints that the workers falsely attested to witnessing specific attorneys sign foreclosure documents, the secretary of state's office said. An additional nine cases are pending.

TSA Fudges The Numbers

The Transportation Security Administration, taking a page from the playbooks of the Federal Reserve (not inflation anywhere!) and the Bureau of Labor Statistics (no unemployed here!), massaged their numbers:
"TSA cooked the books to try to eliminate the federal-private screening program," said Rep. John L. Mica, Florida Republican and chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. "GAO found that TSA ignored critical data relating to costs."

Mr. Mica said the revised 3 percent cost difference is likely still too high because it does not take into account "the full cost of TSA's bloated and unnecessary bureaucratic overhead."

Spain Sinks

Spain is in more debt trouble than initially revealed. Is anyone surprised?

Further government deficit spending will not fix the great bank debt cover-up:
Spain’s credit rating was cut to Aa2 by Moody’s Investors Service, which said the cost of shoring up the banking industry will eclipse government estimates. The euro fell and Spanish bond yields rose.

Banks Hold USA Hostage

The banks are not happy with reduced debit card fees, so they are considering holding American consumers hostage by reducing the maximum transaction below the cost of filling up the gas tank of a car. Instead of bailing out these failed banks with TARP, we should have reorganized them.

Will Americans stand up and take back their rightful power over the banking system. Will Americans alternatively submit to JPMorgan Chase stealing more money with high swipe fees:
JPMorgan Chase, one of the nation's largest banks, is considering capping debit card transactions at either $50 or $100, according to a source with knowledge of the proposal.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

TSA Helps Drug Smugglers

There are different types of TSA employees (they are not "officers"). Some work in back-office areas. Some work on the front lines by groping people. Some work with checked luggage. Some roam airports as these please and facilitate drug smuggling.

TSA officer accused of aiding drug suspects
The 43-year-old Transportation Security Administration employee was arrested on charges that she provided information to suspected drug traffickers and helped them get past security checkpoints with minimum scrutiny.

... charging Walker with tipping off one suspected trafficker that undercover drug agents were tailing him, and on other occasions, with accompanying alleged traffickers as they went through security screenings at the airport.

China Goes Green

China is about to leap-frog Western nations by implementing a sustainable source of electricity. This nuclear generation is safe and can not be used for weapons.

China Initiates Thorium MSR Project
The People’s Republic of China has initiated a research and development project in thorium molten-salt reactor technology ...

The Chinese also recognize that a thorium-fueled MSR is best run with uranium-233 fuel, which inevitably contains impurities (uranium-232 and its decay products) that preclude its use in nuclear weapons. ...

Currently there is no US effort to develop a thorium MSR. ...

The ability of thorium MSRs to operate at atmospheric pressure and with simplified safety systems means that these reactors could be built in factories and mass-produced. They could then be shipped to operational sites with standard transportation. Their thorium fuel is compact and inexpensive.

Obama Joins Bush War Machine

Obama has broken a couple campaign promises on closing Guatanamo and stopping fake terror trials. Obama has joined Bush. In the next election cycle, will Republicans nominate Obama?

Indefinite detention is probably an international war crime. If Obama is different than Bush, then why does Obama act like Bush?

Obama Restarts Terrorism Tribunals
The Obama administration on Monday lifted its freeze on new military trials at Guantanamo Bay and for the first time laid out its legal strategy to indefinitely detain prisoners who the government says can't be tried but are too dangerous to be freed.

Monday, March 07, 2011

Biggest Month Ever

The USA would do well to be a contestant on the TV show "Biggest Loser". The USA's eating/consuming/spending is ridiculous.

U.S. sets $223B deficit record
The federal government posted its largest monthly deficit in history in February, a $223 billion shortfall that put a sharp point on the current fight on Capitol Hill about how deeply to cut this year’s spending.

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Ireland Voters Sold Out

Irish voters recently threw out the 8-decade ruling party due to frustration with selling out Ireland's economic interests.

After just one week in office, the new Fine Gael/Labour coalition government is going to implement exactly the same program of enslaving the Irish in debt. Will the Irish stop working and protest until the new coalition government wakes up to the will of the people?

The Irish elections worked in that the previous government was overwhelmingly voted out. This process was peaceful.
The new government is the same as the old government. Will the Irish people stand up? Will this be peaceful, or have the Irish run out of peaceful means of change?

Voter betrayal: FG/Labour to ditch pledges on economy
The Fine Gael/Labour coalition Government is to implement in detail the outgoing Government's four-year austerity plan as approved by the EU-IMF, the Sunday Independent can reveal.

In what will amount to the most barefaced breach of election promises ever perpetrated by an incoming Government, the coalition partners' programme for government will cause uproar when it is published today.

Saturday, March 05, 2011

ATF "Gun Walking"

When government employees engage in a conspiracy to allow illegal firearm trafficking, we must ask why people should respect the government? When will these rogue government criminals be indicted?

"An agent with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms claims the agency has a policy that allows guns to get in the hands of the Mexican drug cartels."

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Dollar's Reign Is Nearly Done

Wall Street Journal is a mainstream financial newspaper. When such a widely read newspaper has an article about the decline of the US Dollar, investors should pay attention.

Why the Dollar's Reign Is Near an End
For decades the dollar has served as the world's main reserve currency, but, argues Barry Eichengreen, it will soon have to share that role. Here's why—and what it will mean for international markets and companies.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Government Waves The White Flag

Governments are waving the white flag. They simply can't continue the current spending.

Boise County files for bankruptcy
In a move rare in the United States and perhaps unprecedented in Idaho, Boise County is filing for federal protection against a multimillion dollar judgment.

“This was not our first option. This was our last option,” said Jamie Anderson, chairwoman of the three-member Boise County Board of Commissioners. “This protects us so we can continue to operate.”