Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Growing Food At School

School administrators prevent school-grown produce from being used in school lunches.  The children can grow the food, but not eat the food for lunch.

Kathleen Merrigan, deputy secretary of agriculture at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, recently toured a CPS school garden at the Academy for Global Citizenship on the Southwest Side. There, two second-grade girls showed her the eggplant, squash and tomatoes they grew, along with the chickens they kept for eggs.

"Ideally, all of those products would make it from the garden to the lunchroom," Merrigan said.

But rules created by CPS and its meals supplier, Chartwells-Thompson, prevent that from happening.

NASA Can't Measure Temperature Accurately

Their algorithm creates an imaginary hot spot at the North Pole (2-4 C based on no actual data within 800 km) and then weights it as heavily as a closer measured temperature reading, in the next step.

They appear to be using at least two steps of extrapolation/interpolation – which compounds error. In other words, their entire 21st century warming story is based on a defective interpretation of the Arctic.
A likely explanation for discrepancy in identification of the warmest year is the fact that the HadCRUT analysis excludes much of the Arctic ….. (whereas GISS) estimates temperature anomalies throughout most of the Arctic.

The GISS article with this statement has disappeared from their web site, but it used to be at

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Electronic Voting Twists

We have been told electronic voting machines are more accurate and convenient.  There have been many reports about irregularities with voting tallies.  In Nevada, voters are finding the machine automatically selects candidates for the voter!

Nevada Voters Complain Of Problems At Polls
Some voters in Boulder City complained on Monday that their ballot had been cast before they went to the polls, raising questions about Clark County's electronic voting machines.
Voter Joyce Ferrara said when they went to vote for Republican Sharron Angle, her Democratic opponent, Sen. Harry Reid's name was already checked.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac Will Cost Much More

Fannie and Freddie have huge problems with underwater mortgages and defaulting mortgages. Using their best case scenarios, they will have additional drawdown of "$142 billion to $259 billion."

"To date, the Enterprises have drawn $148 billion from the U.S. Treasury... "

This is going to get much worse at taxpayer expense.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Officer Bubbles Sues

Officer Bubbles had a young lady arrested for blowing bubbles.

Now Officer Bubbles, Toronto Police Const. Adam Josephs, is suing those who posted comments about the video on the internet.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Pearl Harbor Attack Was Not A Surprise

Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was no surprise:
Prior to the Pearl Harbor attack, however, most of the United States citizens were opposed to America's entering the war in Europe on Britain's side. After the Pearl Harbor, the issue was a no brainer. Roosevelt and his pal Winston Churchill NEEDED a "Pearl Harbor" as an excuse to involve this great country in a war (in Europe) that never threatened our national security. And his government made sure it got its "Pearl Harbor" one way or another.

Friday, October 08, 2010

Busted: Fed GPS Tracking Device

A California student found a GPS tracking device on his car. He wasn't sure who put it there, until:
A California student got a visit from the FBI this week after he found a secret GPS tracking device on his car, and a friend posted photos of it online. ... half-a-dozen FBI agents and police officers appeared at Yasir Afifi’s apartment complex in Santa Clara, California, on Tuesday demanding he return the device.

The device is pictured in the article at

Saturday, October 02, 2010

Crimes Against Humanity

Conducting secret medical trials on victims is a crime.
"US government medical researchers intentionally infected people in Guatemala, including institutionalized mental patients, with gonorrhea and syphilis without their knowledge or permission more than 60 years ago," Robert Bazell, the Chief science and health correspondent for NBC News, reports. "Many of those infected were encouraged to pass the infection onto others as part of the study. About one third of those who were infected never got adequate treatment."