Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Hillary Clinton Discloses True Motive For Destroying Libya (oil & gold)

Libya gave up their nuclear arms, yet we still invaded their country and executed Gaddafi. The country quickly descended in to chaos, and their military arms were lost. Those arms have shown up in countries like Syria, used by rebel forces.

The trove up classified emails which Hillary Clinton stored on her home email server have revealed the true reason for overthrowing the Libyan government. The real reason to kill Libya's Gaddafi was his setting up a gold-backed currency for use by several other African countries.

Hillary Clinton's emails concerning the real reasons for overthrowing Libya: oil and gold.

Tuesday, February 09, 2016

FBI Confirms Presidential Candidate Clinton Under Investigation

As part of an ongoing lawsuit to force greater disclosure of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server to host classified information, the FBI has confirmed investigation of ... "matters related to former Secretary Clinton’s use of a private e-mail server".

The FBI letter confirming investigation of Hillary Clinton.

Friday, February 05, 2016

San Bernadino Killer Could Have Been Discovered Before Entering USA

While everyone is allowed to express themselves through speech, those who threaten the United States not be granted a visa to enter the country. Instead of checking visa applicants backgrounds on the internet to determine if the person is a threat, Department of Homeland Security is prohibited from searching social networks to look for trouble with visa applicants.

The policies of the federal government are the opposite of keeping us safe. Checking social networks would have prevented entry by one of the San Bernadino killers.
The State Department today said that “obviously things went wrong” in the visa background check for one of the San Bernardino shooters -- comments that came in the wake of an ABC News report that said officials by policy generally do not check social media postings of applicants due to civil liberties concerns and therefore would not have seen purported evidence of Tashfeen Malik’s radicalization online.

Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Secretary State Clinton Improperly Kept Classified Information

The President confirmed Secretary of State Hillary Clinton kept classified information of the "highest levels of classification" without any safeguards. Anyone else would be under indictment, yet Hillary is now running to be President.

It appears Americans do not care about seriously improper actions at the highest levels of federal government.