Monday, December 30, 2013

NSA Backdoors "Secure" Electronics

The NSA has been putting back doors in American's electronics.  Our enemies will eventually figure out the codes and use these back doors against Americans.  We can no longer trust any of our electronics, EVEN IF new hard drives are installed

It is time for Obama's continutation of Bush's policies to end: close Guantanamo, stop spying on Americans, stop picking fights overseas.

Shopping for Spy Gear: Catalog Advertises NSA Toolbox

... an NSA division called ANT has burrowed its way into nearly all the security architecture made by the major players in the industry ... And no matter what walls companies erect, the NSA's specialists seem already to have gotten past them. ...

The list reads like a mail-order catalog, one from which other NSA employees can order technologies from the ANT division for tapping their targets' data. The catalog even lists the prices for these electronic break-in tools, with costs ranging from free to $250,000.

In the case of Juniper, the name of this particular digital lock pick is "FEEDTROUGH." This malware burrows into Juniper firewalls and makes it possible to smuggle other NSA programs into mainframe computers. Thanks to FEEDTROUGH, these implants can, by design, even survive "across reboots and software upgrades." In this way, US government spies can secure themselves a permanent presence in computer networks. The catalog states that FEEDTROUGH "has been deployed on many target platforms." ...

The ANT developers have a clear preference for planting their malicious code in so-called BIOS, software located on a computer's motherboard that is the first thing to load when a computer is turned on.

This has a number of valuable advantages: an infected PC or server appears to be functioning normally, so the infection remains invisible to virus protection and other security programs. And even if the hard drive of an infected computer has been completely erased and a new operating system is installed, the ANT malware can continue to function and ensures that new spyware can once again be loaded onto what is presumed to be a clean computer.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Federal Reserve Allows Market Manipulation

The Federal Reserve (not a government agency - a private company that sets interest rates and regulates banks) allowed a bank to trade in the electricity markets.  This trading OK allowed JPMorgan Chase to manipulate the markets and cheat to make money at the expense of electricity consumers.

Off Limits, but Blessed by the Fed

The nation’s biggest bank, JPMorgan Chase, had won the right to expand its reach in a lucrative business that has nothing to do with banking: electricity. Areas like electricity are generally off limits to banks because of the risks involved. But with its June 2010 letter, the Fed let JPMorgan take an even bigger role selling electricity in California and the Midwest ...
Three months later, JPMorgan traders began a scheme to manipulate electricity prices, ultimately forcing consumers in those regions to pay more every time they flicked on a light switch or an air-conditioner, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission subsequently contended.

The private cartel Federal Reserve is in business to protect and prop up the banks.  It is time to end the Federal Reserve and return banking regulation to Congress. 

Sunday, December 22, 2013

NSA Stopped No Attacks

While the NSA has lied to Congress and falsely claimed to have stopped terror attacks, a member of the White House panel says the NSA stopped no terror attacks.

A member of the White House review panel on NSA surveillance said he was “absolutely” surprised when he discovered the agency’s lack of evidence that the bulk collection of telephone call records had thwarted any terrorist attacks.

Stone was one of five members of the White House review panel – and the only one without any intelligence community experience – that this week produced a sweeping report recommending that the NSA’s collection of phone call records be terminated to protect Americans’ privacy rights.
The panel made that recommendation after concluding that the program was “not essential in preventing attacks.”

Domestic spying and violation of American's rights has not made us safer.  It has enriched many government contracting companies.  Will Obama stand up for Americans and stop the NSA, or will Obama stand up for corporate government contractors?  Obama has already told America that he will side with the insider corporations and not stop their spying:
“Lives have been saved,” Obama told reporters last June, referring to the bulk collection program and another program that intercepts communications overseas. “We know of at least 50 threats that have been averted because of this information.”

The NSA lied.  Obama lied to cover up the NSA spying crimes and to protect government contracting companies.

The report from the panel makes it clear the NSA spying is a wasteful use of funds:
The report said that “there has been no instance in which NSA could say with confidence that the outcome [of a terror investigation] would have been any different” without the program.

The panel’s findings echoed that of U.S. Judge Richard Leon, who in a ruling this week found the bulk collection program to be unconstitutional. Leon said that government officials were unable to cite “a single instance in which analysis of the NSA’s bulk collection metadata collection actually stopped an imminent attack, or otherwise aided the Government in achieving any objective that was time-sensitive in nature.”

Saturday, December 21, 2013

NSA Breaks Internet Cryptography

Cryptography is the backbone of privacy on the internet.  The NSA paid the leading cryptography company to deliberately break this cryptography, thus deliberately making the internet insecure.  The US government is actively working against the interest of Americans.

Secret contract tied NSA and security industry pioneer

As a key part of a campaign to embed encryption software that it could crack into widely used computer products, the U.S. National Security Agency arranged a secret $10 million contract with RSA, one of the most influential firms in the computer security industry, Reuters has learned.

 ... the NSA created and promulgated a flawed formula for generating random numbers to create a "back door" in encryption products, the New York Times reported in September. Reuters later reported that RSA became the most important distributor of that formula by rolling it into a software tool called Bsafe that is used to enhance security in personal computers and many other products. ...

Undisclosed until now was that RSA received $10 million in a deal that set the NSA formula as the preferred, or default, method for number generation ...

Monday, December 16, 2013

CIA Says ... Inside Job

A CIA memo directly implicates Saudi government officials for helping the 9/11 hijackers.

"A pair of lawmakers who recently read the redacted portion say they are “absolutely shocked” at the level of foreign state involvement in the attacks.
... the CIA in one memo reportedly found “incontrovertible evidence” that Saudi government officials — not just wealthy Saudi hardliners, but high-level diplomats and intelligence officers employed by the kingdom — helped the hijackers both financially and logistically. The intelligence files cited in the report directly implicate the Saudi embassy in Washington and consulate in Los Angeles in the attacks, making 9/11 not just an act of terrorism, but an act of war."

Will Obama declassify the CIA document?  It is likely Obama will instead continue to cover-up and support the Bush-Cheney era.