Sunday, March 30, 2014

Prince Obama And His Entourage

While his wife vacations in China at taxpayer expense, Prince Obama takes 900 people with him on a journey to Brussels.

Barack Obama's first visit to Brussels to cost Belgium more than €10m
Obama will arrive with 900-strong entourage, including 45 vehicles and three planes, and attend EU and Nato summits

Monday, March 24, 2014

NSA Targets The Innocent

We learn the NSA is specifically targeting innocent system administrators, as a means to hack those networks.  What is next, corrupting every local police officer?
The NSA is a rogue organization... a secret criminal organization funded by taxes extracted from it's victims.

Inside the NSA’s Secret Efforts to Hunt and Hack System Administrators
... the agency tracks down the private email and Facebook accounts of system administrators (or sys admins, as they are often called), before hacking their computers to gain access to the networks they control.