Sunday, January 16, 2022

Earth Was Cooler Last Year

The world is not continuing to heat up, so media will attempt to ignore the measurements of the globe being cooler last year, and instead spin more fear. The world was cooler in 2021 than 2020. The media can spin cooler into continued fear about normal weather changes. The Vikings lived on Greenland with pastures when it was green. The Vikings left Greenland due to global cooling which still has snow and ice on Greenland. Weather has changes and variations which are normal, and which are often caused by long-term sun cycles.

Article from Wired magazine about global cooling and fear of weather changing:
The World Was Cooler in 2021 Than 2020


One reason for cooler temperatures in 2021 was likely La NiƱa, a band of cold water in the Pacific. It’s the product of strong trade winds that scour the ocean, pushing the top layer of water toward Asia, causing deeper, colder waters to rush to the surface to fill the void. This in turn influences the atmosphere, for instance changing the jet stream above the United States and leading to more hurricanes in the Atlantic.
