Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Big Tech Steps In Politics

The CEO of Expensify, David Barrett, urges everyone to vote for old senile socialists. Small business owners should consider if the "woke" elites at tech companies are actually advocating for socialism.

Expensify's CEO emailed users to encourage them to 'vote for Biden'

Expensify CEO David Barrett blasted all of his customers with a message to vote for Biden to "protect democracy."

In the email, which the company has said was sent to all users, Expensify's founder said that "anything less than a vote for Biden is a vote against democracy" and urged his customer base to vote for the Democratic presidential candidate.


Monday, October 26, 2020

Government Tracks People And Refuses Congressional Oversight

The border patrol in USA has been buying cell phone location data from brokers and using the date in undisclosed ways. Congress attempted to get some information from the agency, and they refused to answer Congress' questions.

Americans gave up their freedom for temporary safety. Now Americans are paying taxes so government agencies can spy on their movements.


CBP Refuses to Tell Congress How it is Tracking Americans Without a Warrant

U.S. Customs and Border Protection is refusing to tell Congress what legal authority the agency is following to use commercially bought location data to track Americans without a warrant, according to the office of Senator Ron Wyden. The agency is buying location data from Americans all over the country, not just in border areas.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Wikipedia Is Biased

 One of the founders of Wikipedia, Larry Sanger, writes about current examples of the lack of transparency of the Wikipedia editors and how Wikipedia is biased.  It looks like Wikipedia has become one of the online media oligopoly, like Facebook.

Wikipedia Is Badly Biased

Wikipedia no longer has an effective neutrality policy. There is a rewritten policy, but it endorses the utterly bankrupt canard that journalists should avoid what they call “false balance.” The notion that we should avoid “false balance” is directly contradictory to the original neutrality policy. As a result, even as journalists turn to opinion and activism, Wikipedia now touts controversial points of view on politics, religion, and science. Here are some examples from each of these subjects, which were easy to find, no hunting around. Many, many more could be given.

Friday, October 16, 2020

Taking Care Of The Homeland

After decades of providing the military support for Europe, the USA is going to begin to pull back from military occupation of Germany. NATO has been free-loading off the taxpayers of the USA for too long.

Roughly calculating - 11,900 troops and the contractors and buildings to support the troops costs at least $3 billion each year. That money can be better spent at home.

US plans to withdraw troops from German bases

The US has formally announced plans to withdraw 11,900 troops stationed in Germany... the decision is part of a broader geo-political shift to focus on Asia, on a deeper level it is likely to reflect President Donald Trump’s anger that Germany, and leader Angela Merkel, has not fulfilled its demand for an increase in NATO spending.