Monday, July 22, 2024

Didn't Prevent Infections, Side Effects

At a recent hearing about Covid treatment safety, the former director of the CDC said the shots do not prevent infection and should never have been mandated. Dr. Robert Redfield was former director of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

“There was not appropriate transparency from the beginning about the potential side effects of these vaccines, and I do think there were inappropriate decisions by some to try to underreport any side effects because they argued that would make the public less likely to get vaccinated” Redfield testified.
“They never should have been mandated,” he said. “It should have been open to personal choice. They don’t prevent infection, they do have side effects.”
“The FDA should release all of the safety data they have,” Redfield replied. “I was very disappointed to hear that they’re planning to hold on to that [safety data] until 2026,” he continued.