Sunday, January 25, 2009

UK Banks Hours From Collapse details how the UK banking systems was a few hours from shut-down last in October 2008.

What about the Federal Reserve's lines of credit with the Bank of England. Can we please have transparency in America?

Revealed: Day the banks were just three hours from collapse
By Glen Owen

Narrow escape: The Bank of England was forced to contact RBS's creditors abroad to persuade them not to withdraw their funds

Britain was just three hours away from going bust last year after a secret run on the banks, one of Gordon Brown's Ministers has revealed.

City Minister Paul Myners disclosed that on Friday, October 10, the country was 'very close' to a complete banking collapse after 'major depositors' attempted to withdraw their money en masse.

The Mail on Sunday has been told that the Treasury was preparing for the banks to shut their doors to all customers, terminate electronic transfers and even block hole-in-the-wall cash withdrawals.

Only frantic behind-the-scenes efforts averted financial meltdown.

If the moves had failed, Mr Brown would have been forced to announce that the Government was nationalising the entire financial system and guaranteeing all deposits. ...

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