Wednesday, May 05, 2010

JP Morgan Chase Wants To Write Financial Reform

JP Morgan Chase, which accepted a bailout to avoid bankruptcy, has a research report on the financial regulations being discussed in Congress. In the research report, JP Morgan says "grownups" should take over the financial legislative process from the elected representatives in Congress.
Now that the financial reform debate is in the final innings, it’s time for the grownups to step in.

JP Morgan's $12 billion bailout was funded by the private cartel Federal Reserve. Since the Congressional charter that created The Federal Reserve does not allow bailouts, it is time to Audit The Fed.
Since JP Morgan is a "primary dealer" which grants special access to the Federal Reserve, it is understandable JP Morgan would release propaganda that attacks financial reform.

Meanwhile, JP Morgan Chase is going ahead with a $138 million plan to buy two new luxury corporate jets and build "the premier corporate aircraft hangar on the eastern seaboard" to house them, ABC News has learned.

JP Morgan Chase's research report that recommends "grownups" take over writing financial reform law:

JPMorgan Chase Analyst Takes Aim At U.S. Senators -

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