Sunday, March 13, 2011

Superfluous Traffic Stops

Four-way intersections, or the hard left turn, have many disadvantages. "T-bone" accidents are the most destructive. Vehicle stopping and starting is an unnecessary fuel waste.

Roundabouts (traffic circles) provide for continuous traffic flow. T-bone accidents are virtually non-existent.

Germany has depended on traffic lights for too long, said Duisburg professor and traffic researcher Michael Schreckenberg, who contends that the tricolor system is too expensive, inconvenient and potentially dangerous to keep around.

“Between 30 and 50 percent of the traffic lights could be replaced,” he said.


Cologne, for example, has replaced 200 traffic lights with roundabouts and zebra stripes in the past several years, a move which could save the city almost €4 million in energy and maintenance costs, according to the city’s own estimates. A further 90 traffic light eliminations are still expected.

Further beyond commonly accepted practices of traffic control are complete removal of traffic control. The article continues:
Other communities have ascribed to the “shared-space” model, a radical process by which all traffic lights and signs are eliminated from certain areas.

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