Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Monsanto Self-Regulates

Regulatory capture is when industry effectively control government regulators. The effect is to protect big companies while setting up barriers to entry for small companies. Protecting consumers is forgotten.

The USDA is admitting regulatory capture by allowing Monsanto to regulate itself:
The USDA is responsible for assessing environmental impacts of new GMO crops. The agency has been lax about this, to say the least. In 2005, the USDA gave Monsanto the go-ahead to unleash its sugar beets before preparing an Environmental Impact Statement. This decision eventually triggered a judge to rule that Monsanto sugar beet seedlings should be ripped from the ground.

Because the USDA is so bad at doing its job on time, the agency decided to see if anyone else was prepared to do its safety testing work instead. And so it looks like the USDA will at least temporarily hand over environmental impact reporting responsibilities to the biotech companies behind GMO crops. The pilot program will allow these companies to conduct their own environmental assessments of crops or outsource the work to contractors.

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