Thursday, August 09, 2012

Banksters Have Special Privileges

An average person who was caught trading with Iran even once would be in prison.  The elite banksters trade with Iran repeatedly for years, and the the bank's regulators are upset when an enforcement action is started by a state regulator.  There are two levels of crime - the banksters and everyone else.

U.S. regulators irate at NY action against Standard Chartered
The U.S. Treasury Department and Federal Reserve were blindsided and angered by the decision of a New York banking regulator to launch an explosive attack on Standard Chartered Plc over $250 billion in alleged money laundering transactions tied to Iran, sources familiar with the situation said.

By going it alone through the order he issued on Monday, the head of the recently created New York State Department of Financial Services, Benjamin Lawsky, also complicates talks between the Treasury and London-based Standard Chartered to settle claims over the transactions, several of the sources said. ...

In other words, this complicates their efforts to allow the banksters to walk away with a small fine.

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