Sunday, July 07, 2013

Fake food okay for you, but not for me

Further demonstrating hypocrisy by the ruling-class elite, the UK parliament bans GMO food in parliament restaurants while pushing the working masses to consume GMO products:

... the U.K. Parliament has effectively barred their use in all food items served to government officials at Parliament restaurants, according to new reports. This, despite the fact that prominent elected officials in the U.K. are right now pushing GMOs on a public that is largely opposed to them ...
... Parliament's ban on GMOs at its own restaurants comes amid the procurement of a massive pro-GMO propaganda campaign being led by this very same Parliament against the interests of its own people. Biotech industry hacks like Conservative Secretary of State for the Environment Owen Paterson, for instance, who actually claims GMOs are safer than non-GMOs, is currently pushing for more GMO acceptance in his country even though he does not eat GMOs himself.

Government rulers have become the elite untouchables, while the working classes are second-class.

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