Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Did Robert Rubin Break The Law?

After the baking meltdown in 2007 and 2008, a commission was established to investigate. In 2010 the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission referred Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin to the Department of Justice for criminal investigation. The commission stated Robert Rubin, “may have violated the laws of the United States in relation to the financial crisis.

Robert Rubin Was Targeted for DOJ Investigation by Financial Crisis Commission
Rubin, the commission alleged, along with some other members of Citi’s top management, may have been “culpable” for misleading Citi’s investors and the market by hiding the extent of the bank’s subprime exposure, stating at one point that it was 76% lower than what it actually was.
No government action was ever brought against Rubin. And there is no evidence that Department of Justice acted on the crisis commission’s recommendations.

In modern American, the elite are not prosecuted for their crimes. The rule of law applies to regular Americans, not the politically-connected elite.

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