Friday, November 11, 2016

Clinton Supporter Bashes Trump Supporter

Long-time writer and current editor of Tech Crunch, Connie Loizos, posted a rant against Peter Thiel. Peter Thiel is the billionaire tech founder and investor who publicly supported Donald Trump.

The Silicon Valley elite are beside themselves about the crushing defeat of Hillary Clinton. It turned out they were trapped in an echo chamber and they could only hear themselves. Few people in Silicon Valley were willing to stand up and support and alternative, and Peter Thiel was one of the few.

Instead of moving on, Tech Crunch editor Connie Loizos bizarrely wrote, "Now he may discover how deeply unpopular it makes him." Peter Thiel knew a year ago that supporting Trump would be unpopular, and Peter did it anyways. To now imagine that Peter may become unpopular is delusional thinking on the part of Connie Loizos.

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