Friday, August 26, 2022

"Embattled" Police Chief

The government finally got around to firing the worthless police chief. This guy was not "embattled", he ran a shop of cruel cops who actively prevented parents from doing the job of entering the school which the police refused to do.

Many parents and relatives have expressed deep anger at the police response and there has been growing pressure for law enforcements to be held accountable.

Mr Arredondo has taken the brunt of criticism for officers' 77-minute delay in confronting the teenage gunman, and is the first officer to be dismissed.

As Wednesday evening's meeting began, some in the audience shouted: "Coward!"

The police tried to cover up their misdeeds by trying to imply the building was locked.
But an inquiry heard in June that the classroom door was not locked and there was no evidence that officers tried to open it.

These cowards should be asset-stripped and run out of Texas. Apparently Pete Arredondo resigned from his city council seat before he could be recalled by the voters.

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