Sunday, January 14, 2024

Natural Disasters now have human responsibility

The United Nations is expanding it's scope by opining that humans are now responsible for natural disasters. Probably worthwhile to spend money preparing for natural disaster response, rather than funding the fat bureaucracy of the United Nations. 

Why are disasters not natural?

The truth is, there is no such thing as a natural disaster.  
A natural hazard, such as a hurricane, earthquake, or flood, only becomes a disaster when it impacts a community that is not adequately protected, and whose population is vulnerable as a result of poverty, exclusion or socially-disadvantage.

United Nations has largest donor being the taxpayers of USA. Council on Foreign Relations says USA owes more money to United Nations and being the number one donor is not enough!

In 2023, the United Nations assessed the United States’ share of the regular budget at 22 percent and its share of the peacekeeping budget at 27 percent; however, the U.S. Congress caps contributions to the peacekeeping budget at 25 percent, leaving the United States in arrears


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