Thursday, May 08, 2008

Fluoride: New Grounds for Concern

Fluoride: New Grounds for Concern
The Ecologist
Year 1986, Volume 16, Pages 237-242
By Mark Diesendorf and Philip R.N. Sutton


On the world scene, there are considerable divisions of opinion. In continental western Europe, fluoridation was introduced beyond the pilot plant stage only in Sweden, the Netherlands and West Germany. In each of these countries, after trials lasting many years, it has been terminated on health and/or ethical grounds. In contrast, Australia, is one of the most extensively fluoridated countries in the world. In some circles in Australia, those who question fluoridation are branded as "ignorant cranks".

Nevertheless, in this article, we attempt to draw attention to scientific evidence, published in international journals over the past five years, which indicates new grounds for concern about potential health hazards from low doses of fluorides.


In the second part of the following video: "can cause great behavioral and IQ problems".

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