Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Gun Control Creates Victims

Handguns, used by a trained person, are one of the best equalizers that will allow a small person to defend themselves from physical violence. Areas of the USA with restrictive gun policies have higher rates of violent crime.

Criminals, by definition, don't care about laws. A potential victim can defend themselves or call 911 and wait for minutes while they are victimized. The police may arrive in ten minutes to complete a crime scene report.

Camden, New Jersey to Lose Half Its Cops
Due to budget problems, the mythical land of restrictive gun laws will need to fall. Will the people stand up and demand the lawful authority to defend themselves, or will a crime spree in Camden NJ be required?

Police officers in Camden, New Jersey began turning in their badges Tuesday as part of deep municipal layoffs destined to further erode the quality of life in one of the nation's most impoverished and crime-ridden cities.

Wikipedia has FBI information that ranks Camden NJ in third place for the highest violent crime rates:
The Federal Bureau of Investigation's annual Uniform Crime Report ranking of cities over 40,000 in population by violent crime rates (per 100,000 population) finds that the ten cities with the highest violent crime rates for 2003 include three cities in the very strict state of New Jersey ...

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