Saturday, February 02, 2013

Iceland Wins

The people of Iceland have won against the international banksters.  Iceland told the banksters to take a walk.  While other countries in Europe and the USA continue to sink under the weight of debt, Iceland's recovery is spectacularly recovering.

Iceland Wins Case On Deposit Guarantees
The court of the European Free Trade Association on Monday said Iceland didn't breach European Economic Area directives on deposit guarantees by not compensating U.K. and Dutch depositors in Landsbanki's online savings accounts, known as Icesave accounts. 
The directive, part of EU rules to which Iceland subscribes, "does not lay down an obligation on the State and its authorities to ensure compensation if a deposit-guarantee scheme is unable to cope with its obligations in the event of a systemic crisis," the ruling said.  The ruling of the EFTA Court is final and can't be appealed.

Too bad the Irish people allowed their government to bail out the banksters, on the backs of the Irish people.

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