Friday, February 01, 2013

Television or School Supplies?

Internet access is nearly a required home school supply.  Do parents spend their money on TVs and television programming instead of an internet connection?  Yes they do, and then they go to McDonald's.

The Web-Deprived Study at McDonald's
... The result is a divide between families that have broadband constantly available on their home computers and phones, and those that have to plan their days around visits to free sources of Internet access.  That divide is becoming a bigger problem now that a fast Internet connection has evolved into an essential tool for completing many assignments at public schools. ...

... Linda Edwards, says she already pays a large portion of her monthly budget for telecommunications: more than $150 for cellphones for herself and an older son, and $55 for satellite television... She said she couldn't afford the $250 deposit she would need to get satellite Internet ...

Priorities are priorities, and television is a higher priority than school work.

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