Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Enabling Another 9/11 Plane Hijacking

After 9/11 the ability of commercial pilots to defend their aircraft with a firearm was restored. Now the approval process is being delayed, thus risking the pilots, passengers, aircraft, anything on the ground which could be struck by a hijacked aircraft.

9/11 showed that disarmed pilots are a threat to the passengers and the country. Removing the ability to defend ourselves puts everyone at risk.

Now President Obama is quietly ending the federal firearms program, risking public safety on airlines in the name of an anti-gun ideology.


Screening of airplane passengers is hardly perfect. While armed marshals are helpful, the program covers less than 3 percent of the flights out of Washington D.C.'s three airports and even fewer across the country. Sky marshals are costly and quit more often than other law-enforcement officers.

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