Sunday, March 08, 2009

FDIC Punishes Prudent Banks

Imprudent banks made bad loans that bumped up their earnings (and bonuses) for several years. Now those banks are in trouble. The banks that were prudent and careful, and which didn't generate huge bonuses for their staffs, are going to be punished.

In the world of government political mismanagement, no good deed goes unpunished. The small prudent banks are now going to pay for the sins of the cheaters.

FDIC Extends Restoration Plan; Imposes Special Assessment
The Board also took action to ensure the continued strength of the insurance fund by imposing a special assessment on insured institutions of 20 basis points, implementing changes to the risk-based assessment system, and setting rates beginning the second quarter of 2009.

Bank of America refuses to release names of employees who received bonus payments in the past several months while Bank of America was receiving billions in taxpayer bailouts.

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