Monday, March 16, 2009

FDA Medical Device Profits

Natural News reports scientists are speaking up about corruption at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA has a charter to test for safe and effective devices, but has become a monopolistic profit-granting machine for any company that can get a medical device approved. The breast cancer screening is alleged to not be effective while exposing patients to radiation, but the devices are huge profit machines for the manufacturers.

A group of nine FDA scientists has sent letters to top politicians, accusing agency managers of intimidating and coercing scientists into changing or suppressing scientific data. In October, the scientists sent a letter to the House Energy and Commerce Committee. In early January, they sent another to then-president-elect Barack Obama.

The medical device review process, in particular, has been "corrupted and distorted by current FDA managers, thereby placing the American people at risk," the letter to Obama reads.

For example, the FDA continues to approve the use of certain mammography computer-aided detection devices for breast cancer screening, over repeated objections from agency doctors and scientists that there is no clinical evidence that the devices work as advertised.

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