Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Czech War Refugee Harasses Russia For Years

People wonder why Russia would be upset that NATO has been pushing near Russia's borders for decades. Madeleine Albright, who was reported to have been born in Czechoslovakia and emigrated to USA as a refugee, actively encouraged NATO to press into Russia's borders. She spent time as Secretary of State under Clinton by adding countries to NATO and moving NATO closer to Russia.

Madeleine Albright, groundbreaking secretary of state and feminist icon, dies at 84

Albright, who served as secretary of state from 1997 to 2001 under President Bill Clinton, pushed for NATO expansion eastward into the former Soviet bloc

If Russia placed troops or munitions near the borders of USA, perhaps in Cuba or Mexico, the USA would be rightly concerned.

The current USA vice-president, in late February 2022 in Munich Germany, said she admires and respects Ukraine's desire to join NATO. Ukraine borders Russia, and NATO is run by the USA. If you keep poking a bear, eventually the bear will defend itself. The West has been moving into border regions of Russia for years, and the recent calls for Ukraine to join NATO clearly provoke Russia.

Remarks by Vice President Harris in Press Gaggle

THE VICE PRESIDENT  Let me start by saying I appreciate and admire President Zelenskyy’s desire to join NATO. ... So I respect President Zelenskyy’s desire to be a member of NATO.

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